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研究生(外文):Ting-Chun Wang
論文名稱(外文):Lot streaming for multiple products in two-machine flow shops with limited waiting time constraint and setup time
指導教授(外文):Gwo-Ji Sheen
外文關鍵詞:Schedulinglot-streamingtwo-machines flow shopssetup timeslimited waiting time constraintmakespanbranch and bound algorithm
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The purpose of this study is to treat the optimal lot streaming for multiple products in two-machine flow shops with limited waiting time constraint and setup time for multiple products. In this study, we will introduce about lot streaming and calculate the optimal size. We also use the branch and bound algorithm to obtain the optimal solution. Our objective is to minimize the makespan in lot streaming manufacturing system. Lot streaming is the method that can produce sublots to reduce the makespan and operations can be overlapped. Besides the lot streaming, we also consider about some constraints. We consider limited waiting time and setup time in different products. Limited waiting time constraint is that the products must be transferred to next the machine in the specific time range. Additionally, the limited waiting time constraint is that the waiting time cannot be greater than the upper waiting time. There is setup time in different machines when different products are processed on different machines. At last, we will construct the branch-and-bound algorithm and use the bounding to eliminate nodes efficiently.
According to four properties, upper bound and lower bound the efficiency of the algorithm can be promoted. After constructing the branch-and-bound algorithm, we will analyze the performance of the algorithm and data.
List of figures.........................................................iii
List of tables..........................................................iv
Chapter 1 Introduction...........................................1
1.1 Motivation and background..............................1
1.2 Problem description.........................................2
1.3 Research objectives.........................................3
1.4 Research methodology.................................... 4
Chapter 2 Literature review....................................5
2.1 Makespan minimization with lot streaming in two-machine flow shops..............................................................5
2.1.1 Lot streaming problem with integer-sized sublots in two-machine flow shops................................................5
2.1.2 Lot streaming problem with continuous-sized sublots in two-machine flow shops.........................................6
2.2 Lot-streaming with setup time...........................7
2.3 The scheduling with limited waiting time constraint.........7
Chapter 3 Lot streaming for multiple products in two-machine flow shops with limited waiting time constraint and setup time..........................................................................9
3.0 Notation and problem assumptions....................10
3.1 Linear programming for lot streaming.................11
3.1.1 The sublot size..................................................12
3.2 Lot streaming with limited waiting time constraint..........13
3.3 Lot streaming for multiple products.....................14
3.4 Branching out the nodes .....................................17
3.5.1 Calculating the upper bound by revising Johnson’s rule.............................................................................20
3.5.2 Calculating the lower bound..............................20
3.6 Branch and bound algorithm.................................21
Chapter 4 Computational Analysis..............................24
4.1 Validation of the algorithm...................................24
4.2 Generation of data and examples.........................27
4.3 Performance of algorithm......................................29
Chapter 5 Conclusion..................................................35
5.1 Research contribution............................................35
5.2 Research limitation................................................36
5.3 Further research....................................................36
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