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研究生(外文):Yu Min-Wen
論文名稱(外文):Multiphasic characterization and identification of fungi associated with human skin and nails in northern Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Roland KirschnerWei-Hsin Sun
外文關鍵詞:human skin and nails in northern Taiwan
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斷增加,主要引起淺部真菌感染是癬菌,酵母菌和黴菌。從 91 位病人裡有 29
位病人有分離出真菌,總共分離出 13 種真菌,2 種皮膚癬菌、2 種黴菌和 9 種酵母菌其中有 1 種是新發現,在同一個樣品中酵母菌和有黴菌和癬菌長在同個培養皿上是最常見的,臨床上最常看到香港腳和灰指甲是最常感染的病灶,同時分離出酵母菌最常見的屬是Candida和Trichosporon ,皮膚癬菌最常分離出則是
Trichophyton rubrum 。 Exophiala oligosperma 為台灣第一次發現的紀錄。
Superficial fungal infections of the outer layer of skin, hair, and nail are common worldwide and their frequency is constantly increasing. The main groups of fungi causing superficial fungal infections are dermatophytes, yeasts and moulds. Fungi were isolated from 29 of 91 patients visiting the hospital. 13 species were identified, namely 2 dermatophytes, 2 moulds, 9 yeasts. Simultaneous isolation of a yeast and a hyphal fungus from the same sample was common. The most common yeasts belonged to Candida and Trichosporon. The most frequent clinical forms of infections were tinea pedis and onychomycosis, caused mainly by the dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum. Exophiala oligosperma was recorded for Taiwan for the first time.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vii
List of abbreviations viii
1 Introduction 1
1-1 Dermatophytes 1
1-2 Yeasts 2
1-3 Moulds 2
1-4 Aims 2
2 Materials and Methods 3
2-1 Sample collection 3
2-2 Sample collection and isolation of strains 3
2-3 Media 3
2-4 Keratin azure agar 3
2-5 DNA isolation 4
2-6 Tissue dissociation 4
2-7 Lysis 4
2-8 DNA binding 5
2-9 Wash 5
2-10 DNA elution 5
2-11 PCR 6
2-12 Agarose gel electrophoresis 7
2-13 Purification of PCR products 7
2-14 Processing PCR Amplifications 7
2-15 Binding DNA 7
2-16 Washing 8
2-17 Elution 8
2-18 DNA sequencing 8
2-19 Molecular identification 9
2-20 Morphological identification 9
3 Results 10
3-1 Result analysis 10
3-2 Description of species 11
3-2-1 Apiotrichum montevideense 11
3-2-2 Cutaneotrichosporon jirovecii 12
3-2-3 Cutaneotrichosporon debeurmannianum 13
3-2-4 Cutaneotrichosporon dermatis 14
3-2-5 Candida haemulonis 15
3-2-6 Candida parapsilosis 16
3-2-7 Debaryomyces hansenii 17
3-2-8 Exophiala oligosperma 18
3-2-9 Kodamaea ohmeri 20
3-2-10 Pyrenochaeta unguis-hominis 21
3-2-11 Trichophyton interdigitale 22
3-2-12 Trichophyton rubrum 23
3-2-13 Trichosporon faecale 24
4 Disscussion 25
4-1 Overall isolation frequency 25
4-2 Dermatophytes 25
4-3 Yeasts 25
4-4 Moulds 26
4-5 Mixed infections 26
4-6 Medical treatment 27
5 References 28
6 Appendixes 54
6-1 Appendix 1 54
6-2 Appendix 2 63
6-3 Appendix 3 64
6-4 Appendix 4 72
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