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研究生(外文):Po-Yu Hsu
指導教授(外文):Chien-Wen Shen
外文關鍵詞:GerontologyBibliometric analysisCitation analysisNetwork analysis
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隨著世界人口不斷老化的趨勢,老年學相關的研究日益增長,但多聚焦在特定領域。本研究利用社會科學引文索引(Social Sciences Citation Index, SSCI),以敘述性與趨勢分析、網絡分析與文字採礦等方法進行2000年後與老年學相關研究之文獻分析,提供一個從廣度了解老年學發展脈絡的面向。總體趨勢的研究結果顯示在2000年後研究數量有明顯的隨著年份而增長,國家產量以美國為首,主要研究的子領域為精神病學。在作者關鍵字(Author Keywords)與KeyWords Plus中主要出現的字詞類別為健康相關。本研究亦挑選被引用次數排名前兩百名作為重要文獻,目的是為了進一步了解各研究領域的關係,透過挖掘作者、研究與引用文獻之關係,整理出重要主題。當中被引用次數較高的文獻集中在2007年之前,美國為研究產量最高的國家,心理學是子領域中數量最多者。作者關鍵字與KeyWords Plus中主要出現的字詞類別亦為健康相關為主,再針對重要文獻挖掘共現字、書目耦合與共被引等關係。在文字採礦方面,本研究將前五名的重要作者關鍵字與摘要做關聯性整理。了解作者關鍵字與摘要所伴隨出現的字詞能更有延伸性的了解熱門關鍵字詞的範疇,亦可提供後續研究者在查閱文獻時能更有廣度的搜尋相關字詞。全貌性的分析提供後續研究者進入該領域時能用廣度的面向了解老年學,亦給予在該領域致力已久的研究者以不同的面向檢視研究趨勢。
As the population aging in the world, gerontology-related researches gradually increases and almost focuses on specific fields. The objective of the study was to conduct a descriptive and trend analysis, network analysis and text mining on gerontology-related researches published after 2000, and provide a breadth of understanding from the development of gerontology. The data used in this study were collected from the journal papers listed in Social Sciences Citation Index. Furthermore, the studies which its times cited rates were ranked as top 200 would be treated as influential studies in order to understand the correlation between different areas. Overall speaking, the research of gerontology-related had increases significantly after 2000 whereas the research which included into top 200 was mainly published before 2007. U.S. was the most productivity country from the analysis of the overall and top 200 studies, where health-related words show frequently in Author Keywords and KeyWords Plus. The most productive research subfields was psychiatry and psychology in overall analysis and top 200 analysis, respectively. The study then conducted a co-words, bibliographic coupling and co-citation analysis on the influential studies. This study chose top five Author Keywords and abstract of top 200 to conduct a text mining. Through text mining, this research can be more widely understand the scope of popular keywords, and related terms or keywords in different areas can be used by follow-up researchers. The overall analysis provides the follow-up researchers to enter the field with a breadth of knowledge for gerontology. It also gives researchers who have long been committed in this field a different approach of research trends.
中文摘要 iv
致謝 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第三章 研究方法 11
3.1資料蒐集、清理與變數說明 11
3.1.1 資料蒐集 11
3.1.2 資料清理與變數說明 11
3.2敘述性與趨勢分析 14
3.3作者網絡分析法 14
3.4文字採礦 16
第四章 研究結果 19
4.1敘述性與總體趨勢分析 19
4.2Top 200 敘述性與總體趨勢分析 27
4.3作者網絡分析 35
4.4文字採礦 43
第五章 結論 48
參考資料 50
附錄 52
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