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研究生(外文):Rini Safitri
論文名稱(外文):Employer Branding on Brand Citizenship Behavior: Exploring the Mediation of Brand-Person Fit and Brand Commitment
指導教授(外文):Ben-Roy Do
外文關鍵詞:employer brandingbrand-person fitbrand commitmentbrand citizenship behaviortelecommunication company
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In the service industry, customer perception of the corporate brand is often based on the employee they interact with. Employer branding can be beneficial to attract and retain employees, as doing so can distinguish the company from competitors. Employer branding may also make the employee live with the brand, called brand citizenship behavior. Using data collected from employees of a large telecommunication company in Indonesia, the present study explores the relationship between employer branding and brand citizenship behavior, with brand-person fit and brand commitment as possible mediators. Data was collected by online questionnaire and processed using Amos. Results show employer branding influences brand citizenship behavior either directly or indirectly through brand commitment, but not through brand-person fit.
目 錄
Table of Contents
2.1 Brand Citizenship Behavior 4
2.2 Employer Branding 3
2.3 Brand-person Fit 9
2.4 Brand Commitment 11
2.5 Brand-person Fit and Brand Commitment as Mediation 13
2.6 Research Framework 15
3.1 Sample 16
3.2 Research Instrument 17
3.3 Step of Research 18
3.4 Research Design 19
4.1 Characteristic of Respondent 21
4.2 Descriptive Statistics 22
4.4 Model Evaluation: Structural Model Results 23
4.5 Hypotheses Testing in Structural Model 26
5.1 The Summary of Research Findings 29
5.2 Managerial Implication 30
5.3 Limitation and Direction for Future Research 31
5.4 Conclusion 32

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