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研究生(外文):Yong-Zhong Deng
論文名稱(外文):New passivated contact technology development and application for Si-base photodetectors
指導教授(外文):Jeng-yang Chang
外文關鍵詞:photodetectorpassivated contactsilicon based
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最後將此鈍化接觸結構應用到矽基光偵測器,實驗結果發現氮化矽與氧化層之鈍化接觸可以使光偵測器暗電流由1.44x10-7 A降低至5.42x10-9 A,暗電流密度最低可達1.93x10-5 mA/cm2。此外亦探討氧化銦錫覆蓋於此鈍化接觸結構,發現可使元件暗電流降至5.36x10-9A ,同時元件於操作偏壓為-5V下響應度具有0.658A/W的表現。
Compared with III-V photodetector, Silicon based photodetector has 10 to 100 times higher dark current, so decreasing dark current is an important topic. In the past, Silicon based component reduces the surface recombination rate through the passivation layer to achieve the purpose of reducing the dark current of the component. However, there is no passivation layer between the metal and semiconductor. In order to solve the above problems, A technology call ‘‘passivated contact’’ is proposed to reduce the carrier recombination between the metal and the semiconductor. This structure is inserted the ultra-thin passivation film between the metal and semiconductor, it can achieve a good passivation effect and the carrier can tunnel the passivation. Rencently, this structure is mostly used in solar cells, but the solar cell structure is similar to photodetector, so this propasal of this research is to investigate the passivated contact, and apply it to the silicon based photodetector to lower the dark current density.
The ultra-thin oxide layer is the key to passivated contact, so this study first grows the oxide layer in different methods and discusses its properties, and then stacks the silicon nitride on the oxide layer to enhance the overall passivation effect. The experimental results show that Through RTA annealing interval of 200 degrees to 800 degrees to enhance the passivation properties, the passivated contact can measure the maximum lifetime is 1515us, iVoc is 650mV at 400 degrees. In order to enhance the carrier transport capacity of this structure, we use dry etching to reduce the thickness of silicon nitride from 80nm to 15nm.
Finally, passivated contact is applied to the silicon-based photodetector. The experimental results show that the passivated contact of the silicon nitride and the oxide layer can reduce the dark current of the photodetector from 1.44x10-7 to 5.42x10-9 A, dark Current density of up to 1.93x10-5 mA/cm2. In addition, it was also investigated that indium tin oxide covered with this passivated contact structure and found that the component dark current was reduced to 5.36x10-9A, and the responsibility of 0.658 A / W at an operating bias of -5 V.
第一章 緒論 1
• 1-1前言 1
• 1-2 研究動機 4
• 1-3 研究目的與架構 6
第二章 基本原理及文獻回顧 7
• 2-1光伏效應與光偵測器 7
• 2-1-1 PN結構製作方法 9
• 2-2 鈍化原理與鈍化接觸結構 9
• 2-2-1 載子復合機制與鈍化層 9
• 2-2-2 穿隧氧化層之鈍化接觸 10
• 2-2-3 氧化層缺陷 11
• 2-2-4 固定電荷與介面電荷密度量測與計算 14
• 2-2-5 超薄氧化層之文獻回顧 16
• 2-2-6 鈍化接觸結構之文獻回顧 18
第三章 實驗步驟、設備及分析儀器 22
• 3-1 鈍化接觸結構製備 22
• 3-1-1 極薄氧化層製備 22
• 3-1-2 覆蓋層製備 27
• 3-2 光偵測器元件製備流程 28
• 3-3 製程設備介紹 31
• 3-3-1 水平爐管 (Horizontal Furnace) 31
• 3-3-2 PECVD (SAMCO PECVD/Oxford PECVD) 32
• 3-2-3 反應離子蝕刻機 (Reactive-ion-etching) 32
• 3-2-4 磁控式電子束暨熱阻式蒸鍍系統 (E-gun / Thermal) 33
• 3-2-5 反應式偶合電漿化學氣相沉積系統(BMR-CVD) 34
• 3-2-6 離子濺鍍機(Sputtering) 34
• 3-2-7 快速熱退火(RTA) 35
• 3-2-8 光罩對準曝光機(Mask Aligner 6) 36
• 3-3 分析儀器介紹 37
• 3-3-1 穿透式電子顯微鏡 (Transmission Electron Microscope, TEM) 37
• 3-3-2 光電導生命週期量測儀 (MWPCD) 37
• 3-3-3 光電子能譜儀 (x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ,XPS) 38
• 3-3-4 電流-電壓特性曲線量測 (I-V Characteristics curve) 39
• 3-3-5 電容-電壓特性曲線量測 (C-V Characteristics curve) 39
• 3-3-6 傅里葉轉換紅外光譜儀 (FT-IR) 39
第四章 鈍化接觸及光偵測器之結果討論 41
• 4-1 超薄氧化層探討 41
• 4-1-1 超薄氧化層表面鈍化能力分析 41
• 4-1-2 氧化層電性分析 42
• 4-1-3 氧化層原子鍵結分析 44
• 4-2 不同覆蓋層之鈍化接觸結構 48
• 4-2-1 氮化矽覆蓋於鈍化接觸結構(Si3N4/SiO2) 48
• 4-2-2 氧化銦錫覆蓋於鈍化接觸結構(ITO/SiO2) 54
• 4-3 鈍化接觸應用於矽基光偵測器 57
• 4-3-1 PN結構與超薄氧化層鈍化接觸之光偵測器元件 58
• 4-3-2 覆蓋氮化矽之鈍化接觸結構應用在PN光偵測器元件 60
• 4-3-3 覆蓋氧化銦錫之鈍化接觸結構應用在PN光偵測器元件 62
• 4-3-4 覆蓋氧化銦錫與氮化矽之鈍化接觸結構應用在PN光偵測器元件 63
第五章 結論與未來展望 66
• 5-1 結論 66
• 5-2 未來展望 68
• 參考文獻 69
• 參考文獻
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