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研究生(外文):Shu-Rong Wu
論文名稱(外文):Cesium-stabilized 822-nm secondary optical clock
指導教授(外文):Wang-Yau Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Cesiumsecondary optical clock
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  利用822.5 nm穩頻雷射探測銫原子6S-8S躍遷譜線並量測其絕對頻率與線寬。透過電光調制器將雷射頻率鎖在銫原子氣室的交叉線上,藉由改變電光調制的訊號頻率進而改變雷射頻率並得到躍遷譜線。量測一處於高真空環境的銫原子氣室其譜線訊號,得到此氣室躍遷絕對頻率及線寬860 kHz。
  與本研究團隊於2012年所量測的10個銫原子譜線相比對,發現其躍遷中心頻率偏移量與線寬增加量的比值與氦氣影響之值相近。本實驗再測量其中兩個銫原子氣室之譜線,其線寬分別增寬185 kHz及228 kHz,躍遷中心頻率分別增加45.3 kHz及46.8 kHz,其躍遷中心頻率偏移量與線寬增加量的比值與氦氣影響之值接近,因此銫原子氣室很有可能由於氦氣滲透玻璃影響躍遷譜線。
Cesium atom 6S-8S hyperfine transition was observed by 822.5 nm frequency-stabilized laser and its absolute frequency and linewidth were determined. The laser frequency is lock to the crossover line of cesium transition by the electro-optic modulator. The laser frequency is changed by changing the frequency of the electro-optic modulation and the relevant fluorescence is obtained. The ultimate transition frequency and linewidth were determined under a high-vacuum (〖10〗^(-10)Torr) system where the residual gas could be constantly pumped out by an ion-pump.
A cesium glass cell was implemented in 1.75 atm helium gas and the 6S-8S transition line was monitored. The linewidth was increased and the center frequency of transition was blue shifted. The ratio of the center frequency shift with respect to the linewidth broadening of the 6S-8S transition is 0.24.
The value of “0.24” is the same as what we have concluded in 2012 via the observation of 10 cesium cells. We future observed the variation of spectral linewidth and frequency for two cesium cells, namely, cell #2 and cell #5. We found that, from 2012 to 2016, the frequency and linewidth of cell #2 increased with 45.3 kHz and 185 kHz, respectively. The frequency and linewidth of cell #2 increased with 45.3 kHz and 185 kHz, respectively. The ratios of the center frequency shift to the linewidth broadening are also near 0.24, which was strongly suspected as were caused by similar helium diffusion from atmosphere.
第一章 簡介..............................................1
1.1 緒論.............................................1
1.2 歷史上相關實驗...................................2
1.3 研究動機.........................................6
第二章 基本理論.........................................10
2.1 雙光子躍遷交叉線................................10
2.2 氣體穿透玻璃....................................18
2.3 碰撞頻移........................................21
第三章 實驗架設.........................................24
3.1 雷射鎖頻系統....................................24
3.1.1 外腔室半導體雷射與增強雷射強度.............26
3.1.2 Pound-Drever-Hall穩頻法...................27
3.1.3 頻率調制鎖頻...............................30
3.1.4 雷射注入鎖頻...............................32
3.1.5 取得銫原子6S-8S譜線訊號...................33
3.2 真空系統........................................34
3.2.1 真空銫原子氣室.............................34
3.2.2 氦氣腔室...................................35
第四章 實驗結果與分析...................................37
4.1 銫原子絕對頻率測量..............................38
4.2 銫原子氣室在氦氣環境下的變化....................44
4.3 對比各氣室及不同時間的譜線......................53
第五章 結論.............................................57
附錄一 LabVIEW程式控制..............................58
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