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研究生(外文):Jheng-Yan Cai
論文名稱(外文):Simulation for Cu-platted Front Side Metallization of Si-based Solar Cell
指導教授(外文):Yu-Hui Tang
外文關鍵詞:solar cell simulation
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In recent decades, the solar energy techniques grow very quickly. Because solar energy cannot exhaust greenhouse gas that is the main cause of greenhouse effect. Currently, the solar cell cannot be commonly employed since its price is still expensive. Our goal in this study is to greatly reduce the cost but only losing little efficiency. One solution is to replace a portion of silver front side metallization by copper.
In our simulation, we change number, height and composition of fingers to simulate solar cell efficiency. First, we obtained the parameters which are independent of fingers, and then used PC1D to calculate cell’s IV-data. Secondly, the single diode model is employed to obtain the short circuit current, the series resistance which are independent fingers, dark current, the ideal factor and the shunt resistances. Finally, once the finger’s electrical and structural parameters are included, the cell’s efficiency can be calculated.
For cupper-plated front side metallization, the simulation process is similar but considering electric and structural parameters of copper. We discussed the relations between silver height, copper height and efficiency; and the relation between widening ratio and efficiency. By comparing single layer finger with Cu-plated finger, we successfully reduce about 24.47% of Ag with additional 21.38% of Cu , while, only 0.012% of efficiency is losing. This reveals a promising reduction of cost in Si-based solar cell with Cu-platted front side metallization.
Finally, we propose a promising calculation tools, combining the PC1D and circuit model, to simulate the best combination of Si-based solar cell with Cu-platted front side metallization, as long as the real electrical and structural parameters implemented from experimental results.
Chapter 1. Introduction ............................. 1
Chapter 2. The theory of solar cell ................ 4
2.1 Intrinsic semiconductor .......... .............. 4
2.2 Extrinsic semiconductor.......................... 4
2.2.1 N-type ........................................ 5
2.2.2 P-type ........................................ 5
2.3 PN-Junction.. ................................... 6
2.3.1 Dark current .................................. 8
2.3.2 Light generated current........................ 9
2.4 Silicon-based solar cell ....................... 10
2.4.1 Structure ............ ....................... 10
2.4.2 Front Side Metallization ..................... 11
2.4.3 Recombination ................................ 14
2.4.4 Efficiency ................................... 16
2.4.5 Single diode model ........................... 17
Chapter 3. Simulation for Simulation Front Side Metallization ...................................... 19
3.1 Simulation Process ............................. 19
3.2 PC1D ........................................... 20
3.2.1 Reproduce the reference paper ................ 20
3.2.2 Concentration effect ......................... 21
3.3 Cu plated Finger simulation .................... 23
3.3.1 Reproduce the reference paper ................ 23
3.3.2 One Layer Finger Simulation .................. 24
3.3.3 Double Layer Finger Simulation ............... 26
Chapter 4. Conclusion .............................. 32
Chapter 5. References .............................. 33
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