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研究生(外文):Jr-Fang Liou
論文名稱:考慮受激非彈性散射下脈衝光纖雷射放大器之最大可擷取 能量的數值模擬研究
論文名稱(外文):Numerical Study of Maximum Extractable Energy from High Power Pulsed Fiber Laser Amplifier considering Stimulated Inelastic Scattering
指導教授(外文):Shih-Hung Chen
外文關鍵詞:Stimulated Inelastic ScatteringNumerical StudyFiber Laser Amplifier
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拉曼散射(stimulated Raman scattering)的情況下,研究窄線寬脈衝下受激布里淵散射(stimulated Brillouin scattering)對於最大可擷取能量的影響。
一維速率-傳輸方程式(rate-propagation equation)的數值模型,以模擬的方式,發現在脈衝線寬為 0.02 奈米的情況下,即使抑制了受激拉曼散射,仍然會有部分的能量轉移到受激布里淵散射上。對於需要使用窄線寬脈衝的實驗而言,所輸出的能量勢必受到受激布里淵效應的影響,本論文給出了在脈衝線寬為 0.02 奈米的情況下,改變脈衝重複率與光纖長度所得到的最大可擷取能量,並得出不同脈衝線寬下,以改變光纖長度抑制受激布里淵散射的最大可擷取能量。
A numerical study of maximum extractable energy from high power pulsed fiber laser amplifier with considerations of stimulated Raman scattering(SRS) and stimulated Brillouin scattering(SBS) is presented. Based on rate-propagation equations, a one-dimensional convection code is constructed for calculating the maximum extractable energy in fiber laser amplifiers. In the thesis, we extended the numerical model, which is based on rate-propagation equation, to study the maximum extractable energy in fiber laser amplifiers. Simulation results show
that even the SRS is suppressed, A part of energy turns into SBS when linewidth of signal is 0.02 nm. For those experiments need to fix linewidth of signal, the output energy must be affected by SBS. We get the maximum extractable energy by changing repetition rate of signal and fiber length with 0.02 nm linewidth of signal, and get maximum extractable energy in different linewidth of signal. The numerical model used in the study can be applied to study the nonlinear effects and the spectral broadening in high power pulsed fiber laser amplifier and provide experimental designs of a practical high-power and high-energy pulsed fiber amplifier.
摘要 ............................................................................................................. i
Abstract ...................................................................................................... ii
致謝 ........................................................................................................... iii
圖目錄 ........................................................................................................ v
第一章-緒論 ............................................................................................ 1
1.1 光纖放大器的歷史 ............................................................................... 1
1.2 動機 ....................................................................................................... 2
第二章-受激非彈性散射理論與數值模型 ............................................ 4
2.1 光纖模型簡介與光纖波導電磁場分析 .............................................. 4
2.2 受激非彈性散射理論 ........................................................................... 6
2.3 拉曼及布里淵閾值 ............................................................................... 8
2.4 考慮非彈性散射之摻鐿光纖數值模型 ............................................. 10
第三章-模擬結果 .................................................................................. 19
3.1 在抑制受激拉曼散射的情況下考慮受激布里淵對最大可擷取能量
的影響 ................................................................................................. 19
3.2 改變脈衝重複率與光纖長度抑制受激布里淵效應 ......................... 25
第四章-結論與未來展望 ...................................................................... 34
參考文獻 .................................................................................................. 35
附錄 A ...................................................................................................... 37
附錄 B ...................................................................................................... 38
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