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研究生(外文):Yu-Hsuan Chen
論文名稱:選擇權與股票交易量之比例的資訊 隱含量:以股票回購為例
論文名稱(外文):Informational Content of the Relative Trading Activity in Options and Stock on Repurchase Announcement Return
指導教授(外文):Chuang-Chang Chang
外文關鍵詞:share repurchase announcementoption to stock volume ratioinformation leakage hypothesis
  • 被引用被引用:1
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By using share repurchase announcement data from Thomson Financial Securities Company’s database merged with CRSP database and OptionMetrics database during 1996-2014, this thesis examines abnormal trading activities with repurchase announcement date and then investigates the relationships between cumulative abnormal returns and option to stock volume ratio around share repurchase day. The results correspond to informed option trading hypothesis. In addition, we also investigate whether pre-event returns and option trading cost affect the informed option trading activities or not. This thesis goes further to examine the relationship between the cumulative abnormal return and the interaction of options to stock volume ratio and pre-announcement cumulative abnormal return as well as the relationship between the cumulative abnormal return and interaction of option to stock volume ratio and average option bid-ask spread. The results show that both pre-event returns and option trading cost affect predictability of option trading measure. A test comparing the option trading activity on the announcement date to the regular day is also conducted. The final results show that the option trading measure apparently has a stronger predictability comparing to the regular days.
1 Introduction .. .1
2 Literature Review and Main Hypotheses 5
2.1 Informed trading in option markets -----------------------------------------------5
2.2 Option to stock volume ratio -------------------------------------------------------6
2.3 Information leakage -----------------------------------------------------------------7
2.4 Hypotheses ----------------------------------------------------------------------------8
3 Sample Selection and Variable Construction . 10
3.1 Sample selection --------------------------------------------------------------------10
3.2 Variable construction --------------------------------------------------------------.12
4 Results . . 13
4.1 Abnormal activity around share repurchase announcement day--------------13
4.2 Event panel regression -------------------------------------------------------------15
4.3 Cross-sectional regression ---------------------------------------------------------16
4.4 The impact of pre-announcement returns and of liquidity---------------------19
4.5 Comparing announcement day and non-event day -----------------------------21
5 Conclusion .22
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