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研究生(外文):Ming-Chia Lu
論文名稱(外文):The Application of Stochastic Models in Reserve Mortgage Analysis
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With the improvement in the quality of life, the money in retirement accounts are not to enough to sustain life for many older people. So, there are new derivative financial products called “House Reverse Mortgage”, which a homeowner can borrow money against the value of his or her home, receiving funds in the form of a fixed monthly payment. When 
issuer release this products, they may face the greatest economic risk is “Critical Risk”. When the house value lower than the loan debt in the end of selling the house, the maximum repayment part of the lender is the maximum value of the house, and the unliquidated part is the critical risk faced by the issuer institution such as the insurance company and the financial institution.
The main purpose of this study is to quantify the risks when issuer institution issue house reverse mortgage. Through build differently house price stochastic model to compare the optimal housing price model and use empirical mode decomposition to analyze GDP and CPI influence in the house price. Finally, use the risk measure VaR and CTE examine the potentially serious risks.
摘要 v
Abstract vi
目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 x
第一章、緒論 1
1-1研究動機 1
1-2 研究架構 4
第二章、反向抵押貸款 5
2-1起源 5
2-2英國制度介紹 6
2-3面臨之風險 7
2-4文獻回顧 9
第三章、房價模型 11
3-1 房價模型動態介紹 11
3-2 總體指標考慮經驗解構法 14
3-3 模型參數估計方法 17
第四章、房價模型配適分析方法 21
4-1 資料來源 21
4-2 模型配適 23
4-3 模型選擇 32
第五章、NNEG風險評估 36
5-1 模型基本假設 36
5-2 結果分析 38
5-3 VaR與CTE 風險衡量值 41
第六章、結論 44
附錄 46
附錄一、選擇模型準則 46
1-1 AIC(Akaike information criterion) 46
1-2 BIC(Bayesian information criterion) 46
1-3 Shibata 47
1-4 HQC (Hannan and Quinn Criterion): 47
附錄二、EGARCH 49
參考文獻 51
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