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研究生(外文):Po-Hsien Chen
論文名稱:畸零定價對成交機率之影響與分析 ─以 YAHOO!相機拍賣為例
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Odd Pricing Strategy on Purchase Probability : Evidence from Yahoo Cameras
指導教授(外文):Kong-Pin ChenMeng-Wen Tsou
外文關鍵詞:odd pricingonline auctionpricing strategycamera
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本研究利用 YAHOO!台灣的相機資料中所提供的資訊,進行經濟實證研究,試著找出畸零定價策略與相機成交機率之間的關係。本研究發現消費者在網路上購買相機時,所重視的因素包含(1)產品特徵(如相機品牌、相機來源、相機保固期等),(2)賣家特徵(如賣家評價、刊登時間等),(3)其他變數(如畸零訂價策略、產品價格等),本研究針對這些因素,依不同的研究主題進行實證分析,可以得到以下幾點結論:

Until now, odd pricing strategies have been used by retailers albeit rarely, as opposed to other topics, people discuss the effect of odd pricing on product sales. Nowadays, the research on the odd pricing is based on the European and American markets

In Taiwan, there are few literature discussing the effect of distortion pricing on commodity sales.

In this study, we found that when consumers purchase the camera on the Internet, the important factors include (1) product characteristics (such as camera brand, camera source, camera warranty period), (2) seller characteristics (such as seller evaluation, (3) other variables (such as odd pricing strategies, product prices, etc.), this study for these factors, according to different research topics for empirical analysis, can get the following conclusions:

(1) Odd strategy for the parallel, low brand awareness, low-cost cameras have a positive effect.
(2) Odd pricing strategy for the company goods, high brand awareness, high-priced camera has a significant negative effect.
一、 緒論 1
1-1、研究背景與動機 1
1-2、研究目的 2
二、 文獻回顧 3
2-1、電子商務與網路商店 3
2-2、網路拍賣 4
2-3、畸零訂價 5
三、 資料來源與變數基本描述統計 9
3-1、 影響相機成交機率因素分析 9
3-2、 特徵變數敘述統計 15
四、 實證研究及結果 17
4-1、實證模型之建構 17
4-2、實證模型估計結果 19
五、 結論與建議 25
5-1、 結論 25
5-2、 建議 27
5-3、 研究限制 27
參考文獻 29

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