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研究生(外文):Yu-Jie Huang
論文名稱(外文):Car Door Safety Warning System Based on Dense Optical Flow Analysis
指導教授(外文):Hsu-Yung Cheng
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隨著近年來汽機車的普及化,而汽機車的數量逐年的提升,然而因為汽機車的數量提升導致交通事故也逐年提升。因此先進駕駛輔助系統(Advanced Driver Assistance Systems,ADAS)被廣泛的使用在汽車上,希望藉由駕駛輔助系統來降低交通事故。
本論文所提出的系統不依賴感測器偵測方法,而是使用分析相機或手機影像的稠密光流(Dense Optical Flow)作為車門後方事件的特徵。我們以移動物的移動軌跡進行分群,針對每一群軌跡找出特徵向量,並利用自適應增強演算法(Adaboost)和支持向量機(Support Vector Machine)分類器判斷危險事件是否發生。
With the popularization of cars and motorcycles in recent years, the number of cars and motorcycles increases year by year. However, the increasing number of cars and motorcycles results in car accidents year after year. Hence, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems is widely used on cars. Wish to reduce the car accidents via the Driver Assistance Systems.

This dissertation focus on Driver Assistance Systems, which is based on analyze source images and detect vehicles in the rear. In academic research, it mostly uses infrared sensors to detect the tailing cars and decides whether to alarm according to the distance between the tailing cars and our own car doors. However, the defect of this method is that it may misjudge because while the sensor is alarming, the approaching car from the rear is moving away from the car door.

This dissertation proposes a rather more flexible system structure. It can sense the position of car door automatically and define a specific area to sense the approaching cars in it. Wish that once a cellphone or a camera is erected, the system can sense dangerous approaching cars from the back of car doors automatically.

The system in this dissertation does not depend on sensor sensing method but analyze the Dense Optical Flow of cameras or cellphone videos as features of incidents at the rear of car doors. We group the tracks of moving objects and find out the eigenvector of each group with the tracks and utilizing Adaboost and Support Vector Machine to determine whether dangerous events will happen.

In experiment, we display that the system, which is proposed in this dissertation has great reliability on detecting dangerous things in the back of car doors. Furthermore, in the video, dangerous events can be detected precisely, achieving the goal that a cellphone or a camera detects the dangerous approaching cars from the back of car doors. From practical operation, this system achieves 29 frames per second on personal computer.
摘要........... V
Abstract....... VI
致謝........... VIII
圖目錄.......... XI
表目錄.......... XII
第一章 緒論.....1
1.1 研究動機.....1
1.2 相關文獻......3
1.3 系統流程.....5
1.4 論文架構......8
第二章 自動偵測自身車體外殼及感興趣區域...9
2.1 自身車體顏色高斯模型..........9
2.2 感興趣區域...................13
2.3 使用稠密光流法來追蹤移動物....15
第三章 軌跡分群及群聚特徵擷取..... 19
3.1 群聚...............19
3.1.1 距離度量.......... 19
3.1.2 相似性度量..........21
3.1.3 群聚方法............21
3.2 群聚特徵擷取..........22
3.3 群聚特徵訓練..........25
3.3.1 SVM訓練模式.........25
3.3.2 Adaboost訓練模式....28
3.3.3序列狀態轉換及結合SVM和Adaboost預測結果...... 30
第四章 實驗結果與討論.......32
4.1 樣本標記與實驗設備......32
4.1.1 實驗設備.............32
4.1.2 樣本標記.............33
4.2 感興趣區域偵測結果......38
4.3.1 測試指標..............41
4.3.2 Adaboost和SVM分類器之實驗比較........41
4.3.3 結合Adaboost和SVM分類器實驗結果......43
4.3.4 樣本標記加上速度和不加上速度實驗比較...52
4.3.5 自行定義危險區域(不使用分類器)........53
第五章 結論與未來研究方向...................56
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