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研究生(外文):Jen-Nan Yu
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of a Microphone Array Based Speaker Recognition System
指導教授(外文):Ching-Han Chen
外文關鍵詞:Speaker RecognitionMicrophone ArrayProbabilistic Neural Network
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The study is to design an embedded speaker identification system based on microphone array in order to improve the efficiency of single microphone identification systems. The system is composed of four modules including sound signal extraction from microphone array, beam forming, speaker features extraction and speaker identification module. Sound signal module is to collect speaker sound information by using loop microphone array composed of Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) microphone; Beam forming is to enhance sound signal and remove background noise via multi-channel sound processing; Linear Predictive Cepstrum Coefficient (LPCC) is applied to represent a speaker sound characteristics module; The classifier of Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) is applied to identify speaker. Besides, we built a database of experimental speaker sounds with one hundred and twenty same statements recorded by twelve people. This is to validate the speaker identification system. The recognition rate was optimized by PNN smoothing parameters and beam forming parameters during the training. The test results showed that our speaker identification system based on microphone array could reduce about 10% error rate compared to the single one.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 論文架構 5
第二章 MEMS麥克風陣列波束成形 6
2.1 MEMS 麥克風 6
2.1.1 MEMS 麥克風的原理 7
2.1.2 MEMS麥克風的種類 7
2.1.3 麥克風的指向性 8
2.2 麥克風陣列 10
2.2.1 線狀麥克風陣列 10
2.2.2 環形麥克風陣列 11
2.3 波束成形演算法 12
2.3.1 延遲求和波束成形(Delay and Sum Beamformer) 12
2.3.2 利用GCC-PHAT 估算TDOA(Time Difference of Arrival) 14
2.4 聲源方位估測演算法 15
2.4.1 到達時間差(TDOA)聲源方位估測法 15
2.5 特徵擷取 16
2.5.1 前處理 16
2.5.2 線性預測倒頻譜係數(LPCC) 19
2.6 機率神經網路(PNN)分類器 20
2.6.1 機率神經網路架構 20
第三章 麥克風陣列語者辨識系統 22
3.1 系統架構 23
3.1.1 聲音訊號擷取 24
3.1.2 波束成形 25
3.1.3 語音特徵擷取(feature extraction) 26
3.1.4 語者辨識 27
3.2 散事件系統建模 28
3.2.1 麥克風陣列語者辨識系統建模 28
3.2.2 聲音訊號擷取建模 29
3.2.3 波束成形建模 30
3.2.4 語音特徵擷取建模 31
3.2.5 語者辨識建模 32
3.2.6 主要的狀態(state)與動作(action) 33
3.3 軟體合成 35
3.3.1麥克風陣列語者識系統模型軟體合成 36
3.3.2聲音訊號擷取模型軟體合成 37
3.3.3波束成形模型軟體合成 37
3.3.4語音特徵擷取模型軟體合成 38
3.3.5語者辨識模型軟體合成 39
3.3.6軟體的模擬 40
第四章 系統整合實驗與驗證 45
4.1實驗環境 45
4.1.1 STM32F429 Discovery 開發板規格簡介 45
4.1.2 MEMS麥克風規格簡介 48
4.2實驗 48
4.2.1 受測人員資料採集 49
4.2.2 麥克風陣列語者辨識系統樣本與參數的訓練 51
4.3語者辨識性能評估 54
4.3.1 單一麥克風的語者辨識效能 55
4.3.2 使用麥克風陣列的語者辨識效能 55
4.4 實驗結果與討論 56
第五章 結論 57
參考文獻 59
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