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研究生(外文):Hsuan Li
論文名稱(外文):Building a Disease Network Based on Longitudinal Health Insurance Database (LHID)
指導教授(外文):Jorng-Tzong HorngLi-Ching Wu
外文關鍵詞:disease networkNHIRD
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Taiwan's health insurance system is perfect, the doctor level and medical equipment is excellent. In such an environment, National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD) stored medical records is a very precious treasure. Whether it is academic or non-academic circles want to dig these original information. Therefore, the NHIRD-based research papers have a considerable amount of output. These papers are usually some specific subject, such as disease to disease or drug to disease. But there is little integrated study to look at the relevance of the disease for them. In recent years, the disease network has been a lot of research. These studies are to transform complex problems into graph. And then use the graph method to solve the problem. And our motivation is to build a disease network based on Taiwan health insurance database network, so that researchers can be macroscopic to observe the relevance of the disease, and can be a preliminary comparison of disease.
List of Figures------v
List of Tables------vii
Chapter 1. Introduction------1
Chapter 2. Materials------4
Chapter 3. Methods------6
3-1 Construct Disease Networks------6
3-1-1 Deconstruct the raw data of LHID------6
3-1-2 Decompose rows to individual ICD-9 files------7
3-1-3 Generate disease pairs with time difference------7
3-1-4 Candidate disease pairs with directivity------8
3-1-5 Filter the data by the number of occurrences of the disease dynamically.------9
3-2 LHID and Case-Control Study------10
3-2-1 Data preprocessing------10
3-2-2 Data processing------10
3-2-3 The distribution of basic characteristics in patients ------12
3-2-4 Incidence of two cohorts measured hazards ratio for patients------13
3-2-5 Sex-based and age-based hazard ratios------14
Chapter 4. Results------16
4-1 Integrated Disease Network and LHID------16
4-2 Verification of Our System------16
4-2-1 Combining Disease Network and LHID: Other sleep disorders------16
4-2-2 Combining Disease Network and LHID: Diabetes------20
4-2-3 Combining Disease Network and LHID: Asthma------23
Chapter 5. Discussions------25
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