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研究生(外文):Yun-Hsuan Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Construction of A multi-situational Comic Drama Learning System for English Script Writing and Performance
指導教授(外文):Gwo-Dong Chen
外文關鍵詞:Freeze-frameDrama LearningVideo Comic DramaplaywritingCollaborative Learning
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The students can experience or explore learning knowledge in the situation learning environment and think about how to apply knowledge in different situations, may enable the students’ ability to apply knowledge can be enhanced. However, the construction of a situated learning environment is not easy, and it is very difficult to establish diverse situations for students to experience in a common learning environment. Thus, it would be difficult for students to learn how to apply their knowledge in a limited space. In order to provide a learning method for students to learn knowledge in near-authentic situations, making students write scripts and perform dramas in multiple scenes is an applicable way; however, there are no proper learning systems to support this learning mode.
The four scenes format of freeze frames drama for performance and scriptwriting is one of the approaches to perform the comic expression of the situation. This study advanced a digital system of performance and scriptwriting that supports the learning situations of knowledge application. We apply the collaborative learning design, having students write scripts in groups. Students can use the diverse situations and props provided by the system to imagine how to combine and apply related knowledge in different situations. They can also create the textbook-based story plots that allow themselves to apply related knowledge through scriptwriting. Using a specific scene can attract students to combine more related and applicable environments to design and create more scenes for them to learn through exploration and acquire more related knowledge to enhance their knowledge-applying ability. When the creation of a scene is completed, students can perform freeze-frame dramas to enter the situations created by themselves. The stage equipped with props can give students a feeling as if they were in an authentic situation, and this feeling can strengthen students’ impression of the learning situation and knowledge application.
After this method was applied to the English courses of the higher grades in an elementary school for one year, the results of research interviews and questionnaires showed students like the situated learning provided by this drama-learning system more than the textbook situation teaching materials. The diverse situations and props provided by the system is more immersive than the shoot around the classroom as a situation environment. The experimental result shows that a digital system of performance and scriptwriting that supports the learning situations could enhance student's ability of applying the learned knowledge in various situations.
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 3
1-3 研究目標 6
1-4 研究目的 7
1-5 論文架構 8
二、 相關理論與研究 9
2-1 真實情境學習(Authentic learning) 9
2-2 編劇式學習(Script writing) 10
2-3 數位漫畫學習(Video Comic Learning) 11
2-4 定格式戲劇(Freeze-frame Drama) 11
2-5 用於戲劇式學習之漫畫式戲劇的編輯及展演系統 12
三、 支援多情境佈置之漫畫式戲劇的編劇與展演系統與方法 14
3-1 學習設計 14
3-2 學習流程 16
3-2-1 課文講授 16
3-2-2 分組討論 17
3-2-3 故事分享 19
3-2-4 劇本訂正 19
3-2-5 漫畫式戲劇製作 19
3-2-6 成果觀摩 20
3-3 系統設計 21
3-3-1 系統架構 21
3-3-2 學習單 22
3-3-2 多情境編輯介面 23
3-3-3 多情境展演介面 26
3-3-4 成果觀摩 30
3-4 系統開發環境 32
3-5 系統開發紀錄 34
四、 應用於教學現場 35
4-1 使用對象 35
4-2 教學內容設計 36
4-3 暖身活動 40
4-4 環境設置 41
4-5 融入學校課程 43
4-5-1 教學流程 45
五、 研究結果分析與討論 49
5-1 情境考試 49
5-2 探究-自編故事大綱的情境題測驗 54
5-3 自編問卷 62
5-3-1 有無支援多情境佈置之漫畫式戲劇與課本情境教材教學喜好度比較 62
5-3-2 有無支援多情境佈置之漫畫式戲劇的身歷其境程度比較 64
5-4 學生問卷 64
5-5 老師訪談 67
5-6 活動發現與紀錄 70
5-7 討論 72
六、 結論與未來建議 74
6-1 結論 74
6-2 未來建議 75
參考文獻 76
附錄一、情境考試題目 80
附錄二、學生問卷 82
附錄三、學習流程(翰林第五冊第三課) 84
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