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研究生(外文):Yi-Ming Chen
論文名稱(外文):Vision-based autonomous tracking for multicopters
外文關鍵詞:computer visionimage processingobject trackingmulticopters
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此發展也越發蓬勃。多軸飛行器可以應用在軍事、運輸、娛樂、救援、環 保、科學,工程,…等,其中應用在娛樂的空拍最為常見,空拍多用於運 動、攝影、環保、探勘,監視…等。通常多軸機是用搖控器控制其飛行路 徑,所以當要追蹤目標物時,就可以用遙控器手動操控多軸機追蹤目標物。
一個被追蹤裝置,多軸飛行器透過該裝置的訊號來跟蹤,但追蹤非特定目 標時就無法事先放置被追蹤裝置在目標上。
分為兩個部分,一個是電腦視覺追蹤、二是多軸飛行器控制,電腦視覺追 蹤是利用改良後可適應尺度變化的 Kernel correlation filter (KCF) 進行追 蹤,當 KCF 追蹤失敗後,即刻使用基於特徵匹配的再偵測演算法重新找 回目標。電腦視覺追蹤演算法執行於 NVIDIA TK1 嵌入式板子上, Arduino 接收 NVIDIA TK1 的控制指令,接著轉成脈衝寬度調變 (pulse width modulation, PWM) 訊號給多軸飛行器,讓飛行器能持續跟著目標。
追蹤的判定依據,接著利用這些框出的位置計算演算法的追蹤率、重疊準 確率和執行速度。我們的演算法執行速度26 fps、在縮放的案例中追蹤率 88%、在遮蔽的案例中追蹤率 98%、重疊準確度 87%,在速度與準確率 的取捨中,我們犧牲了演算法執行速度來換取更穩健的追蹤。
With the progress of science and technology, the guiding of multicopters is getting better, cheaper, and more affordable. The applications of multicopters are also progressively prosperous. Multicopters can be used in military, transportation, entertainment, rescue, environmental protection, science, engineering, etc. In which, the applications for aerial photography is most popular. Frequently, aerial photography is used in sports, photography, environmental protection, exploration, monitoring, etc. In general, the flying path of a multicopters is controlled by a remote controller. When we want to track a target, we can use a remote controller manually controlling the multicopters to follow the moving target. In order to conveniently track targets, a multicopter is equipped by a passive tracking device to follow a specified target. However, if we want to track a non-controlled target, the passive tracking device is failed.
In this paper, we propose a vision-based tracking system for multicopters. We install a camera on a multicopter, through computer vision method to track any target without additional tracking devices. The system is divided into two parts, one is the computer vision tracking module and the other is the multicopters control module. Computer vision tracking module is implemented by an adaptable scaled KCF algorithm, when the KCF tracking is failed, a feature-based matching detector is then used to re-detect the target. The computer vision tracking algorithm is executed on an NVIDIA TK1 embedded board. An Arduino MCU receives the NVIDIA TK1 control instruction, then generates a pulse width modulation (PWM) signal to the multicopter to control the multicopter to continuously track the target.
In experiments, there are two cases of scaling and occluded targets in the videos to be evaluated. The experimental results reveal that the proposal method can adapt the change of scale and occlusion of targets. In addition to the above ability, the tracking rate, accuracy, and execution speed are also evaluated. The proposed algorithm performs speed to 26 fps, tracking rate in the scaled cases can reach 88%, tracking rate in occluded cases can reach 98%, and overlap rate can reach 87%. With trade-off between speed and accuracy, we sacrifice the execution speed of the algorithm to exchange for more robust tracking.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2系統架構 2
1.3論文架構 4
第二章 相關研究 5
2.1產生候選區域 5
2.2特徵擷取 6
2.3目標匹配 11
第三章 電腦視覺追蹤演算法 16
3.1尺度自適應的KCF 16
3.1.1利用CF追蹤 16
3.1.2尺度候選圖產生 19
3.2目標消失的再偵測 23
3.2.1特徵匹配 24
3.2.2目標位置與尺度再偵測 26
第四章 多軸機飛行控制 28
4.1硬體架構 28
4.2控制演算法 31
第五章 實驗 32
5.1實驗測試影片 32
5.2實驗結果展示 33
5.3演算法效能評估 39
5.4演算法分析 43
第六章 結論 44
參考文獻 45
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