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研究生(外文):Tzung-Ming Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Implementation of a Monitoring System for Healthcare Applications
指導教授(外文):Jorng-Tzong Horng
外文關鍵詞:HealthcareMonitoring System
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在全球人口的快速成長及人口老化下,護理人力的短缺正衝擊著台灣的醫療環境,造成 護理人員處在一個高工作量與高壓力的環境下,台灣護理人員所要照顧的病人數是美國 及日本的 2-3 倍。傳統的巡房過程,護理人員必須頻繁地查看病人,透過笨重或是彼此 獨立系統的裝置量測並上傳病人的生理資訊,而這繁雜的方式仍然無法避免病人在盲點 區域發生意外。在此論文,我們實作了一個藉由無線感測網路的病人監測系統來整合從 穿戴式感測器和靜態式感測器所監測到的生理訊號。相比其他相關研究,我們藉由覆蓋 在醫療環境中的多個通訊閘道器來結合了生理訊號與室內定位的監測;我們還開發一個 Web 的應用程式提供給醫護人員遠端地察看與獲取病人即時的身體狀況,當有偵測到不 正常的生理資訊,則會發起警報,並將該緊急危難的病人的生理資訊和所在位置傳給醫 護人員,藉由這個監測系統來輔助護理人員用更有效率的方式來監測病人。
With the rapid growth of the global population and population aging, the shortage of nurses is impacting Taiwan's medical environment to make the nurses be in the high stressful and high workload. In Taiwan, the number of the patients cared by the nurses is the US and Japan 2 to 3 times. Traditionally, health providers need to frequently check patients' physiological conditions by recording by handwriting, then reporting to the medical centers from a device which is bulky, or which is an individual system. Even though the efforts that they have done to secure patients, there is still the possibility that patients is in emergency in the blinding area. In this Thesis, we implement a patient monitoring system based on wireless sensor network to integrate the monitored patients' physiological signals from the wearable sensors (PPG) and the stationary sensors (ECG). Compared with other studies, we combine physiological signals and the indoors position locations by multiple communication gateways covering the medical environment. We also developed a Web application for health providers to remotely access the patients' current physiological status. When it detects the abnormal physiological signals, it will raise an alarm and response the abnormal signals and the locations to health providers. By using our patient monitoring system, health providers can monitor patients in a more efficient way.
ABSTRACT .......................................ii
Table of Contents..............................iii
List of Figures.................................iv
Chapter 1 Introduction ..........................1
1.1 Background...................................1
1.2 Motivation ..................................2
1.3 Research Goal................................3
Chapter 2 Related Works..........................4
Chapter 3 System Design .........................6
3.1 End Node Layer...............................6
3.2 Communication Layer..........................6
3.3 Cloud Service Layer..........................7
Chapter 4 System Implementation .................9
4.1 Wearable Sensor .............................9
4.2 Communication Gateway with an Environmental Sensor..........................................13
4.3 Stationary Sensor...........................16
4.4 Cloud Service Layer Implementation..........19
Chapter 5 Applications..........................21
5.1 Scenario 1: In the Hospital Wards...........21
5.2 Scenario 2: In the Hemodialysis Center .....24 Chapter 6 Discussions and Future Works..........28
References .....................................29
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