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研究生(外文):Chao-Ting Hung
論文名稱(外文):Using Program Trading Strategy in Stock Selection and Market Timing to Design and Implement a Profit and Risk Evaluation Platform. Using Taiwan Stock Data for Initial Verification.
指導教授(外文):Chih-Cheng Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Program TradingPosition SizingStyle InvestmentMean-Variance Portfolio ModelInvestment Performance
  • 被引用被引用:2
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本系統是以MultiChars、Python、Microsoft SQL Server、Django和Plotly進行實作,當中包含三個子系統,分別為程式交易策略最佳化子系統(最佳化技術面策略的參數)、投資組合管理子系統(建立投組分類)、獲利與風險評估子系統(提供投組績效結果)。
Investment securities are always main topics in academic circle, industry or public. The issue of investment management is more and more important since FinTech has been discussed over the past few years. Most study in stock selection and market timing only surveyed in specific part, there was not only a few systematic and overall discussion in portfolio investment or profit and risk evaluation, but also a few study discussed the performance of combining program trading, portfolio investment and risk evaluation together. In this study, there are three research purposes. First, combining each process in investment securities to build an investment strategy process model. Second, discussing the performance of combining trading strategy, position sizing and style investment. Finally, providing an automatic return and risk evaluation platform for investors to use.
This study uses MultiCharts, Python, Microsoft SQL Server, Django and Plotly to implement this system. It includes three sub system, program trading strategy optimization sub system (optimizes the parameters of the technical analysis strategies), portfolio investment management sub system (creates the classification of portfolio investment) and profit and risk evaluation sub system (provides the performance of portfolio investment).
Mid-Cap 100 ETF in Taiwan Stock is representative and has enough number of stocks to verify this system. Channel strategy and moving average strategy are trend indicators in technical analysis, this study chooses them as experiment. Portfolio investment uses value, size, momentum and volatility effect in style investment. Portfolio in each effect is equally classified into five categories and invests different ratio of position sizing. Based on the fundamentals above, this study compares portfolio performance between the combination of stock selection and market timing (fundamental and technical analysis) and stock selection (fundamental analysis).
In this experiment, no matter which style investment and trading strategy, the performance of combination of stock selection and market timing is better than stock selection, the rate of return is higher and the risk is lower. This result proves that the combination of stock selection and market timing is feasible to use in investment trading and management.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝辭 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 程式交易 6
2.2 線上投資平台 7
2.3 技術面分析 12
2.3.1 移動平均數(Moving Average) 12
2.3.2 布林通道(Bollinger Bands) 13
2.3.3 凱特通道(Keltner Channel) 14
2.4 風格投資法 17
2.5 部位大小 20
2.6 平均數與變異數投資模型 21
第三章 系統設計與實作 24
3.1 系統流程 24
3.2 系統架構 25
3.3 程式交易策略最佳化子系統 26
3.4 投資組合管理子系統 27
3.4.1 風格投資法模組 27
3.4.2 部位大小模組 30
3.4.3 投資組合篩選模組 31
3.4.4 投資組合績效計算模組 32
3.5 投資組合交易與績效記錄 34
3.6 獲利與風險評估子系統 36
第四章 系統驗證與結果 40
4.1 系統驗證流程 40
4.2 系統驗證方法 40
4.2.1 選股選時(基本面加技術面分析)41
4.2.2 選股(基本面分析)43
4.2.3 投組績效評估 44
4.3 系統實證與討論 45
4.3.1 投資決策流程模型資料計算 45
4.3.2 「通道策略」在風格投資法下「價值面」比較-2010至2013年 49
4.3.3 「通道策略」在風格投資法下「價值面」比較-2013至2015年 54
4.3.4 「通道策略」在風格投資法下「規模面」比較-2010至2013年 59
4.3.5 「通道策略」在風格投資法下「規模面」比較-2013至2015年 64
4.3.6 「通道策略」在風格投資法下「動量面」比較-2010至2013年 69
4.3.7 「通道策略」在風格投資法下「動量面」比較-2013至2015年 74
4.3.8 「通道策略」在風格投資法下「波動面」比較-2010至2013年 79
4.3.9 「通道策略」在風格投資法下「波動面」比較-2013至2015年 84
4.4. 系統實證整理 89
第五章 結論 90
5.1 結論 90
5.2 研究限制 91
5.3 未來建議 91
參考文獻 93
附錄一、中型100指數成份股清單 97
附錄二、均線策略系統實證 98
1.「均線策略」在風格投資法下「價值面」比較-2010至2013年 98
2.「均線策略」在風格投資法下「價值面」比較-2013至2015年 103
3.「均線策略」在風格投資法下「規模面」比較-2010至2013年 108
4.「均線策略」在風格投資法下「規模面」比較-2013至2015年 113
5.「均線策略」在風格投資法下「動量面」比較-2010至2013年 118
6.「均線策略」在風格投資法下「動量面」比較-2013至2015年 123
7.「均線策略」在風格投資法下「波動面」比較-2010至2013年 128
8.「均線策略」在風格投資法下「波動面」比較-2013至2015年 133
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