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研究生(外文):Yi-Jun Zhang
指導教授(外文):Yen-Liang Chen
外文關鍵詞:Document classificationUnsupervised instance selectionCost
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而本研究著重於在成本下以非監督式學習進行樣本選取之過程,在實驗中給予每筆資料其挑選成本,並限制訓練資料最終所挑選之總成本,而本論文使用了Bisecting K-means及Hierarchical Clustering兩種演算法,並以最佳點及成本考量下最佳點兩種方法去挑選資料,將這些訓練資料透過五種不同的分類器進行建模,來衡量所挑選資料所建立的分類器之分類結果。
With the progress of technology along with the tide of big data, the importance of "information" has gradually been valued by people. Therefore, many scholars began to dive into the field of data mining, looking forward to find the value behind numerous data and come up with innovative usages. Such as, but not limited to, using classifiers to discriminate the categories of articles and so on. However, for a classifier, a more comprehensive training data will come to a better result. When building a classifier, we label the data in manual, since articles and paragraphs come in different length, the cost varies widely for doing so.
This study focuses on using unsupervised learning to select samples while giving each data a selection cost to limit the total cost of the final selection. In this thesis, by using Bisecting K-means and Hierarchical Clustering algorithm, the data are selected by two ways, best points and best points under cost considerations. These training materials then are modeled by five different classifiers to measure the classification of classifiers that were established by the selected data.
Finally, the experimental results show that compared with random selecting, the 5 different classifiers each show better strengths in different areas when classifiers are established. Using the method mentioned in this thesis can result in selecting better quality and representative data from unlabeled data while not exceeding the budget. If these data are handed to experts for labeling, the labeling cost will drop significantly and come out in a better result.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 背景與動機 1
1.2 情境描述 4
1.3 研究目的 6
第二章、文獻探討 7
2.1 監督式學習樣本選取 7
2.1.1 Wrapper 8
2.1.2 Filter 9
2.1.3 本研究與監督式樣本選取之差異 10
2.2 半監督式學習的樣本選取 11
2.2.1 Self-Training 12
2.2.2 Co-training 13
2.2.3 Tri-Training 14
2.2.4本研究與半監督式樣本選取之差異 15
第三章、研究架構 16
3.1 研究概述 16
3.2 研究流程圖 17
3.3 成本定義 18
3.4 質心定義 19
3.4.1 最佳點 19
3.4.2 成本考量最佳點 21
3.5 成本累積 22
3.6 演算法流程 23
3.6.1 Bisecting K-means 23
3.6.2 階層式聚合Hierarchical Clustering 25
第四章、實驗結果 29
4.1 資料集 29
4.2 資料前處理 30
4.3 資料準備 31
4.4 衡量指標 33
4.5 實驗結果 35
4.5.1 各方法下之實驗結果 35
4.5.2 成本因素之影響 42
第五章、結論與建議 52
5.1 結論 52
5.2 未來發展 53
參考文獻 54
附錄一、KNN分類器在每次抽樣平均結果 58
附錄二、Naïve Bayer分類器在每次抽樣平均結果 63
附錄三、Random Forest分類器在每次抽樣平均結果 68
附錄四、SVM分類器在每次抽樣平均實驗結果 73
附錄五、MLP分類器在每次抽樣平均實驗結果 78
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