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研究生(外文):Ya-Chun Yang
論文名稱(外文):Mining typical transactions from transaction databases
指導教授(外文):Yen-Liang Chen
中文關鍵詞:K-medoidsBalanced K-meansGenetic AlgorithmTransaction Database
外文關鍵詞:K-medoidsBalanced K-meansGenetic AlgorithmTransaction Database
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本篇研究使用K-medoids、Balanced K-means以及Genetic Algorithm演算法運算,找出最能代表線上交易零售資料庫的交易紀錄,並且比較三者的總成本,而總成本是由代表成本及代表不平均成本組成,最後期望以Genetic Algorithm,來改善使用K-medoids運算時的代表問題,在降低代表成本的同時,也提高代表性。
With the digital generation coming, the data has been explosive growth and causes the information overloading. For a senior manager, it is hard to digest so much data and make a right marketing decision in right time. In order to resolve the problem of information overloading, this research provide an algorithm of transaction data reduction. It can reduce the time of searching the information by discovering the most representative data from the large data set. We expect to help senior managers to make the decision more efficiently.
With making good use of those representative data, they can see whole the online transaction retail database and realize the basic facts of all the sales in the short time.
This research will adopt the K-medoids, Balanced K-means and Genetic Algorithm to discover the most representative transaction data from the online transaction retail database. We will also compare the total cost of the three algorithm which is composed of representative cost and representative imbalanced cost. We propose the Genetic Algorithm can improve the representative problem, which is able to reduce the representative cost and also improve the representative of the data.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究動機-情境舉例 3
1.4 研究方法-舉例說明 3
二、相關文獻 6
2.1 摘要化抽樣方法 6
2.1.1 統計方法 6
2.1.2 一般化方法 7
2.2 群集分析 8
2.2.1 群集方法介紹 8
2.2.2 群集方法應用 9
2.2.3 群集方法的延伸 10
2.3 基因演算法 11
三、研究設計 13
3.1 研究架構 13
3.2 問題定義 15
3.2.1 代表總成本TRcost 15
3.2.2 代表不平均總成本TScost 16
3.2.3 總成本 FinalCost 17
四、演算法設計 19
4.1 k-medoids 19
4.2 Balanced K-means 20
4.3 Genetic Algorithm 21
4.4小結 25
五、實驗 26
5.1 資料來源 26
5.2 衡量指標 26
5.3 資料處理 27
5.4 實驗評估 28
5.4.1 基因實驗方法評估 28
5.4.2 時間成本 29
5.4.3 代表成本 (Rcost) 30
5.4.4 代表不平均成本 (Scost) 31
5.4.5 總成本 (FinalCost) 32
5.4.6 總成本與執行時間 33
六、結論與未來研究 35
6.1 結論 35
6.2 研究貢獻 35
6.3 研究限制與未來研究 36
七、參考文獻 37
八、附錄 39
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