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研究生(外文):Zih-Yao Dai
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We have theoretically investigated the properties of solid state cooler made of semiconductor quantum dot molecules. It is important to solve heat problems of circuits with nanoscale electronic components. Therefore, the design of nanoscale-coolers is desirable. We use the Anderson model to describe the Hamiltonian of solid state cooler made of quantum dot molecules. The electron and heat current of cooler are derived by the Green’s function technique. We also used an empirical model to include the phonon heat current. The temperature difference of cooler arising from phonon thermal conductance is discussed and analyzed.
摘要 0
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vii
第一章、導論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2 熱電效應及發展 2
1-3 固態冷卻器 4
1-4 研究動機 5
第二章:串接耦合量子點分子模型 6
2-1 前言 6
2-2 系統模型建立 6
2-3 系統電子總能 8
2-4 穿隧電流、熱流與費米-狄拉克分布函數 10
2-5 電子傳輸係數 11
2-6 固態冷卻器的能源轉換效率 12
第三章、串接耦合量子點分子冷卻器 14
3-1 前言 14
3-2 調變不同環境平衡溫度之效應 14
3-3 調變不同外部電壓之效應 18
3-4 調變不同穿隧率與電子躍遷效應 20
3-5 調變量子點間庫倫交互作用下之效應 22
第四章、聲子熱流對冷卻器溫差的效應分析 25
4-1 前言 25
4-2 聲子熱流效應 26
4-3 奈米線物理參數對冷卻器溫差的效應 27
4-4 調變平衡溫度對溫差的影響 30
第五章、結論 33
參考文獻 34

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