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研究生(外文):Tien-Hsiang Meng
論文名稱(外文):Low Ripple Voltage and High Transient Response Ripple-Based Buck Converter Design
指導教授(外文):Tien-Hsiang Meng
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As designs of portable electronic products are developed toward being light, thin, short, small and multi-functional, making the power consumption and power density of the products are relatively increased. While using a variety of product features, it also represents that a large amount of load changes is required, especially when using communication network functions. The development of power management chips have become saturated because of the technology of high conversion efficiency, and gradually develop toward the rapid response and high power density. On the one hand, the power management chip must provide a stable output voltage in accordance with the requirements of the system load to make the system work; on the other hand, the size of electronic product gradually reduced; the power management chip must be limited in the wiring area with the fewest of parts to meet system requirement. Therefore, how to make the power management chip with functions of fast transient response and to reduce the number of parts used has become a very important issue.
In this study, a ripple voltage control buck converter with fast transient response output was designed, and it also has the advantage of using fewer parts. We proposed that by detecting the changes of output voltage to adjust the operating frequency, adjust the circuit to obtain the output voltage changes, and adjust the power transistor conduction cycle appropriately to tune the output voltage level and enhance the load regulation. The operating voltage range of the chip is 2.5V ~ 4.6V, the operating frequency is 1MHz and the output voltage is 1V. When the external inductance is 1.2uH and the external capacitance is 330uF, the chip is able to supply a buck converter with load range 0.01A ~ 1A, the Ripple size of output voltage 10mV, and 1% of the output voltage error, and in the study we also proposed a set of circuit design process to complete the circuit simulation. It is therefore possible to ensure that the optimum circuit design is required to meet the applicable specifications under suitable components and parameters. Therefore, according to the converter and the design process described above, a chip with a fast response, low number of parts and optimized parameters are completed to meet the need of increase in system function and power density.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 穩壓器種類 3
1.2.1 線性穩壓器(Linear Regulation) 3
1.2.2 切換式穩壓器(Switching Regulation) 4
1.3 預計實現之功能及論文架構 8
第2章 穩壓器規格說明 9
2.1 線性調節度(Line Regulation) 9
2.2 負載調節度(Load Regulation) 9
2.3 暫態響應(Transient Response) 10
2.4 切換損失(Switching Loss) 11
2.5 導通損失(Conduction Loss) 12
2.6 轉換效能(Efficiency) 12
第3章 控制電路分類 14
3.1 電壓模式控制(Voltage Mode Control) 14
3.2 電流模式控制(Current Mode Control) 21
第4章 漣波穩壓控制與降壓式轉換器設計流程 25
4.1 遲滯穩壓器(Hysteretic Regulator)[10] 26
4.2 固定導通時間穩壓器(Constant-On-Time Regulator)[10] 28
4.3 固定截止時間穩壓器(Constant-Off-Time Regulator)[10] 30
4.4 降壓式轉換器設計流程 31
第5章 降壓式漣波轉換器設計與模擬 37
5.1 動作原理 37
5.2 電路分析 40
5.3 規格設定與計算 43
5.4 模擬結果 44
5.4.1 規格模擬 45
5.4.2 暫態模擬 47
5.4.3 極限值模擬 48
第6章 結論 51
參考文獻 52
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