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研究生(外文):Kuo-Yuan Chu
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The use of cyclotrons to accelerate protons via the bombardment of target substances to produce nuclear reactions has been widely used in the production of artificial radioisotopes, in which the radioisotope fluorine-18 can be made into various types of cancer diagnostic drugs, and thus attracted attention from all walks of life.

The design of the irradiation target has a significant effect on the improvement of the yield of fluorine-18. The designer usually encounters two critical yet conflicting problems during the production process, i.e., corrosion resistance and heat dissipation. Owing to the strong corrosive nature of the fluoric acid, it is necessary to find a target material that is resistant to fluoric acid. In the meantime, a target material should also possess a good heat transfer capability to minimize the overheating phenomenon during the irradiation. However, the existing materials typically cannot meet both requirements simultaneously.

The aim of this study is to design a radiation target system that can operate stably under high power conditions and attempt to sputter a layer of corrosion-resistant tantalum on top of the silver target in an attempt to concurrently achieve good corrosion and heat dissipation.

After the actual irradiation experiment, it has been confirmed that the irradiation target system of this study can run stably under the total power of 1020 (W) and can reach 80% theoretical yield. However, the sputtered tantalum layer undergoes peeling during the irradiation experiment, which clearly indicates the poor adhesion between the silver substrate and sputtered tantalum layer. Therefore, finding the proper intermediate layers to significantly promote the adhesion will be the focus of future research. Neutron flux experiment results, failed to determine the presence of oxygen-18 water in the target cavity, the need for additional experiments in order to obtain further conclusions.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第1章前言 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 研究方法 3
第2章文獻回顧 4
2-1 與照射靶設計相關文獻 4
2-2放射性同位素簡介 9
2-3獲得放射性同位素的方法 10
2-4帶電粒子加速的方法 12
第3章氟-18核反應產率計算與靶體設計 19
3-1 氟-18的反應截面 19
3-2 理論飽和產率 19
3-3照射靶設計與熱分析 25
3-3-1 CAE簡述 25
3-3-2基本條件假設 26
3-3-3照射靶幾何外型設計與統御方程式 27
第4章實驗方法與結果 32
4-1 實驗方法 32
4-1-1 實驗所需設備 32
4-1-2 實驗步驟與照射條件 32
4-2 實驗結果分析 35
4-2-1照射靶材濺鍍及顯微鏡攝影結果 35
4-2-2 銀靶照射實驗結果 36
4-2-3 中子通量實驗 40
第5章結論 43
參考文獻 46
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