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研究生(外文):Chung-Yu Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Ag-deposited cathodes on the charging-discharging performance of zinc air batteries
外文關鍵詞:Three-Electrode ElectrodepositionAdditivesAir cathodeZinc-air battery
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This study focuses on improving air cathode efficiency with Ag-deposited metal mesh for rechargeable Zn-air batteries. By adding organic acids, its surface morphology became smooth and as zinc air batteries’ cathode, charge/discharge performance was highly enhanced as well. The thesis contains three parts. The first part is the preparation of the air cathode. The second part is the electrochemical analysis of the air cathode. The third part is the full-cell charge/discharge measurements.
  In the first section, the silver nanoclusters were electrodeposited on the SS mesh by using three-electrode electrodeposition equipment. By adding tartaric acid or citric acid, the silver particles seemed to cover extremely well on the metal mash with higher silver deposition density. On the other hand, the scattered morphology was seen without any additives. The physical properties of the materials were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD). From the SEM morphology analysis results, the air cathode with the citric acid additive has the finest morphology and the most complete coating. The second part is the materials’ electrochemical analyses via Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). The results of Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) showed that air cathode had both OER and ORR activity. With Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), it was found that the air cathode of addition citric acid has the minimum values in the charge transfer resistance (Rct), which is a critical factor for enhancing batteries’ performance. The third part is the Zinc-air battery full-cell test. The air electrode with citric acid assisted exhibited excellent cycling property with 98% Coulombic efficiency even after 250 cycles.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 XI
圖目錄 XII
第一章、序論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 研究目的 2
第二章、文獻回顧 4
2-1 電池簡介 4
2-1-1 鋅-銀電池 4
2-1-2 鋰-硫電池 5
2-1-3 鋅-空氣電池 6
2-2 鋅空氣電池的發展 7
2-2-1 一次性鋅-空氣電池 10
2-2-2 二次性鋅-空氣電池 11
2-3 鋅空氣電池原理 12
2-3-1 陽極反應 12
2-3-2 陰極反應 13
2-3-3 全反應 15
2-4 陰極的結構與發展 16
2-4-1 氣體擴散結構層與集電網 16
2-4-1-1 碳材 17
2-4-1-2 集電網 18
2-4-2 氧氣還原催化層 18
2-4-2-1 二氧化錳 20
2-4-2-2 銀 20
2-5 銀電鍍受到有機酸添加劑之影響 21
2-5-1 酒石酸 21
2-5-2 檸檬酸 22
第三章、實驗方法與步驟 23
3-1 實驗規劃 23
3-2 實驗材料與藥品 23
3-3 實驗儀器設備 24
3-3-1 實驗設備 24
3-3-2 分析儀器 25
3-4 實驗流程 25
3-4-1 不銹鋼網電鍍銀製作陰極 25
3-4-1-1 不含添加劑 26
3-4-1-2 添加不同濃度酒石酸 27
3-4-1-3 添加不同濃度檸檬酸 27
3-4-2 陰極之電化學測試 27
3-4-2-1 鍍銀之循環伏安法分析 28
3-4-2-2 空氣電極之循環伏安法分析 28
3-4-2-3 線性掃描伏安法分析 29
3-4-2-4 電化學阻抗頻譜分析 29
3-4-3 組裝全電池充放電測試 30
3-5 材料分析 31
3-5-1 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡 31
3-5-2 X光繞射分析儀分析 31
3-5-3 循環伏安法 32
3-5-4 電化學阻抗譜分析 32
3-5-5 全電池充放電測試 33
第四章、結果 34
4-1 不銹鋼網在不同條件下鍍銀所得陰極之差異分析 34
4-1-1 陰極SEM形貌分析 35
4-1-1-1 無添加劑之鍍銀陰極 35
4-1-1-2 添加酒石酸之鍍銀陰極 35
4-1-1-3 添加檸檬酸之鍍銀陰極 36
4-1-2 陰極之充、放電性能比較 37
4-1-2-1 無添加劑之鍍銀陰極 37
4-1-2-2 添加酒石酸之鍍銀陰極 38
4-1-2-3 添加檸檬酸之鍍銀陰極 40
4-1-3 陰極之XRD晶體結構分析 42
4-1-3-1 無添加劑之鍍銀陰極 42
4-1-3-2 添加酒石酸之鍍銀陰極 42
4-1-3-3 添加檸檬酸之鍍銀陰極 43
4-2 陰極鍍銀之循環伏安法分析 43
4-2-1 無添加劑之鍍銀陰極 43
4-2-2 添加酒石酸之鍍銀陰極 44
4-2-3 添加檸檬酸之鍍銀陰極 44

4-3 陰極之循環伏安法分析 45
4-3-1 無添加劑之鍍銀陰極 45
4-3-2 添加酒石酸之鍍銀陰極 46
4-3-3 添加檸檬酸之鍍銀陰極 46
4-4 陰極之線性掃描伏安法分析 47
4-4-1 無添加劑之鍍銀陰極 47
4-4-2 添加酒石酸之鍍銀陰極 48
4-4-3 添加檸檬酸之鍍銀陰極 48
4-5 陰極之電化學阻抗頻譜分析 49
4-5-1 無添加劑之鍍銀陰極 50
4-5-2 添加酒石酸之鍍銀陰極 50
4-5-3 添加檸檬酸之鍍銀陰極 50
4-6 全電池循環充放電分析 51
4-6-1 無添加劑製備空氣電極之循環充放電分析 51
4-6-2 添加酒石酸製備空氣電極之循環充放電分析 52
4-6-3 添加檸檬酸製備空氣電極之循環充放電分析 52
第五章、討論 54
5-1 影響陰極充、放電性能差異之原因 54
5-1-1 酒石酸與檸檬酸之效應 54
5-1-1-1 SEM表面形貌分析 54
5-1-1-2 充、放電性能 55
5-1-1-3 XRD 57
5-1-1-4 鍍銀之循環伏安法 57
5-1-1-5 空氣電極之循環伏安法 59
5-1-1-6 LSV線性掃描伏安法 60
5-1-1-7 電化學阻抗頻譜分析 60
5-2 影響全電池循環充放電性能之原因 61
5-2-1 無添加劑製備空氣電極 61
5-2-2 添加酒石酸製備空氣電極 62
5-2-3 添加檸檬酸製備空氣電極 62
5-3 與鋅-銀一次電池性能比較 63
5-4 與鋰-硫二次電池性能比較 64
5-5 與商用陰極觸媒Pt/C性能比較 65
第六章、結論 67
第七章、未來展望 70
參考文獻 71
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