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研究生(外文):Yu-Chieh Ho
論文名稱(外文):Analytical model for multispecies transport subject to rate-limited sorption
指導教授(外文):Jui-Sheng Chen
外文關鍵詞:multispeciessorptionadvection-dispersion equationsolute transportanalytical solution
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Analytical models for multiple advection-dispersion equations sequentially coupled with first-order decay reactions provide fast and cost-effective tools for simulating the plume behavior of the parent and daughter species of decaying contaminants such as radionuclides, dissolved chlorinated solvents and nitrogen chain. However, only a few analytical solutions for coupled multispecies transport equations have been described in the literature. For mathematical simplification, all of the developed analytical models currently used to simulate migration of the decaying contaminants assume instantaneous equilibrium sorption between contaminants in the dissolved and sorbed phases. However, experimental and theoretical research results have indicated that rate-limited sorption could have a profound effect upon solute transport in the subsurface environment. By making the instantaneous equilibrium sorption assumption, the potentially significant impact of the rate-limited sorption cannot be considered or subjected to examination. In this study, we present an analytical model for describing the coupled multispecies transport of decaying contaminants subject to a rate-limited sorption process. The equations are solved for both the first-type and third-type inlet boundary condition. The newly derived analytical solutions are tested against the numerical solutions generated using the Laplace transform finite difference method. The comparison shows excellent agreement with the numerical solutions, demonstrating the correctness of the developed analytical model and the associated computer code. The solutions are then used to assess the influence of the rate-limited sorption on the coupled multispecies transport of the decaying contaminants. Results show that simulations using rate-limited models predict higher concentrations than those obtained with the equilibrium-controlled model.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Literature review 4
1.3 Research Objectives 9
2 Methodology 11
2.1 Mathematical model 11
2.2 Solution derivation 18
3 Results and discussion 25
3.1 Convergence behavior of the derived solution 25
3.2 Verification 34
3.3 Effect of the kinetic sorption rate coefficientβ 38
3.4 Effect of inlet boundary condition 44
4 Conclusions 47
References 49
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