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研究生(外文):Chih-Chieh Fu
論文名稱(外文):Event-based Landslide Susceptibility and Rainfall-induced Landslide Probability Prediction Model in the Zengwen Reservoir Catchment
指導教授(外文):Chyi-Tyi Lee
外文關鍵詞:LandslideLandslide susceptibilityEvent-based landslide inventoryEvent-based landslide susceptibility modelBasic susceptibility mapLogistic regression
  • 被引用被引用:5
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An event-based landslide susceptibility model is constructed based upon an event landslide inventory, topographic factors, geological factors and triggering factors. If an extreme rainfall, typhoon, or a major earthquake happened before a modeling event, the characteristics of landslide distribution may be different with undisturbed conditions. In the present study, an independent event is defined as the event without a prior-event which exceeds the rainfall threshold of the region within 6 months or more. In the Zengwen reservoir catchment area, this study chooses nine independent events, including Herb typhoon, Toraji typhoon, Mindulle typhoon, 20050615 rainfall, 20060609 rainfall, Morakot typhoon, 20110718 rainfall, 20120610 rainfall, and 20150523 rainfall, to establish nine event-based landslide susceptibility models. These models are then cross-validated. The results are good between rainfall events. Due to good performance of slope factor and triggering factors, Mindulle model is the most stable event-based landslide susceptibility model for typhoon events. It shows that AUC of the prediction curve for landslide induced by Morakot typhoon is 0.673; AUCs of prediction curve for other events are more than 0.710.
Compare the landslide susceptibility model built by multi-temporal landslide inventories, via traditional approach without triggering factors, to the nine basic susceptibility maps built by each event, a similar trend of susceptibility distribution among them can be observed. This study chooses the multi-temporal landslide susceptibility map as representative basic susceptibility of the region. The events are divieded into extreme events and common events. In each susceptibility bin and each rainfall bin, the average of probability of landslide failure is calculated from every events landslide inventory of same type, and then a relationship among landslide susceptibility, probability of failure, and rainfall intensity or total rainfall is completed. Utilizing the correlation coefficient between two rainfall factors, this study combines the two relationships to calculate the probability of failure of different susceptibility values in rainfall event. Comparing the result of landslide area predicted by the relationship and each event inventory shows that the relationship underestimate landslide area of Toraji typhoon, and overestimate landslide area of Herb typhoon, Mindulle typhoom and rainfall events. Predicted landslide area of Morakot typhoon is approximate to actual landslide area.
摘 要 I
英文摘要 III
致謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 1
1.2.1 羅吉斯迴歸應用於山崩潛感分析 2
1.2.2 事件型山崩潛感分析 3
1.2.3 降雨量與崩壞比關係探討 4
1.3 研究架構與流程 6
第二章 研究方法 8
2.1 羅吉斯迴歸 8
2.1.1 羅吉斯迴歸之理論 8
2.2 驗證方法 12
2.2.1 分類誤差矩陣 12
2.2.2 成功率曲線與預測率曲線 13
2.3 事件獨立型山崩潛感模型 14
2.4 直方圖匹配 14
2.5 基礎潛感值暨雨量和崩壞比關係式 14
第三章 研究區域與研究資料 18
3.1 研究區域概述 18
3.1.1 位置 18
3.1.2 地形 18
3.1.3 水文 18
3.1.4 地層、構造概述 19
3.2資料蒐集與整理 23
3.2.1 地形資料及雨量資料和衛星影像 23
3.3 獨立事件選取 24
3.4 山崩目錄建立 27
3.4.1 山崩目錄判釋與檢核 27
3.4.2 誘發山崩屬性 28
3.5 雨量因子處理 34
3.5.1 雨量資料檢核 34
3.5.2 雨量分布空間推估 34
3.6山崩因子處理 41
3.7 因子篩選 47
3.7.1 山崩與非山崩次數分布圖 47
3.7.2 崩壞比圖 48
3.7.3 判別子(discriminator) 48
3.7.4 成功率曲線 48
3.7.5 P-P機率圖 48
3.7.6 相關係數 49
3.7.7 因子選取結果 49
第四章 事件型山崩潛感分析 97
4.1 分析樣本選取 97
4.2 山崩潛感分析模型建立 100
4.3 山崩潛感分析結果 101
4.3.1 賀伯事件山崩潛感模型結果 101
4.3.2 桃芝事件山崩潛感模型結果 105
4.3.3 敏督利事件山崩潛感模型結果 109
4.3.4 20050615豪雨事件山崩潛感模型結果 113
4.3.5 20060609豪雨事件山崩潛感模型結果 117
4.3.6 莫拉克事件山崩潛感模型結果 121
4.3.7 20110718豪雨事件山崩潛感模型結果 125
4.3.8 20120610豪雨事件山崩潛感模型結果 129
4.3.9 20150523豪雨事件山崩潛感模型結果 133
4.3.10 多年期山崩目錄建立之歷年山崩潛感模型結果 137
4.4 基礎山崩潛感圖 141
第五章 崩壞比分析 147
5.1 降雨量、潛感值與崩壞比關係曲線 148
5.1.1 各事件崩壞比擬合 149
5.2 山崩機率圖 177
第六章 討論 187
6.1 事件型山崩潛感模型比較 187
6.2 歷年山崩潛感模型與基礎山崩潛感圖比較 189
6.3 崩壞比擬合結果及山崩機率圖 190
第七章 結論與建議 191
7.1 結論 191
7.2 建議 192
參考文獻 193
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附錄B 九期獨立事件不含岩性因子之基礎山崩潛感圖 233
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