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研究生(外文):Ken-Sen Chan
論文名稱:都市污水以改良A2O+MBR系統去氮除磷之研究 –以桃園某污水處理廠為例
論文名稱(外文):Study on Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Municipal Wastewater by Modified A2O + MBR System–Taking Taoyuan Sewage Treatment Plant as an Example
指導教授(外文):Ching-Ju Chin
外文關鍵詞:Nitrogen and phosphate removalMembrane bioreactorModified A2O+MBR system
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近年來新規劃的污水處理廠多採用可同時去除氮、磷的生物處理系統,再結合薄膜生物反應系統(Membrane Bioreactor,以下簡稱MBR),目的即在使處理後的放流水可作為再生水使用,在生物處理單元的去氮除磷環境如何與MBR系統搭配控制,其與傳統二沉池的污泥迴流有何不同,將為本研究的探討重點。
研究結果顯示在A2O系統僅有硝化作用而幾乎無脫硝作用,總磷幾乎無去除率;在MBR系統中懸浮固體、BOD5與COD的去除率非常顯著,去除率高達99 %以上,同時MBR薄膜也具有去除氨氮與總磷的功能,去除率平均為36.57 %與74.10 %,處理後的回收水中溶解性固體物平均為292.20 mg/L,顯示水中鹽類或金屬離子無法被MBR薄膜分離去除;以改良A2O+MBR全系統來看,整體進、放流水質的懸浮固體、BOD5與COD平均去除率分別為97.45 %、95.57 %、92.79 %,不會因好氧池MLSS濃度變化而影響去除率,氨氮處理後平均為3.57 mg/L,整體去除率平均為85.68 %,其可在好氧環境中因足夠的溶氧使硝化作用完全,亦不會因好氧池MLSS濃度變化而影響,而以改良A2O+MBR系統處理總磷可被污泥攝取與儲存的濃度有限,經排泥後總磷含量可下降但效果有限,此因硝化液及迴流污泥皆來自於MBR薄膜槽,薄膜槽需要曝氣以保持膜絲擾動,使得回流至前端厭氧槽與缺氧槽的污泥由於MBR薄膜槽中過高溶氧導致脫硝與釋磷作用不顯著。
In recent years, many sewage treatment plants incorporate biological processes which can remove phosphorus and nitrogen simultaneously. In order to reclaim treated water, membrane bioreactor systems (MBR) are further included. How to control the nitrogen and phosphorus environment and biological treatment units with MBR process ? And what is the different with the traditional secondary settling tank return sludge, will be the focus of this study.
In this study, 6,000 tons of modified A2O + MBR system were used to study the changes of water quality and control conditions of anaerobic tank, anoxic tank and oxic tank (built-in MBR) in real flow conditions, discussion on the treatment efficiency of pollution load.
The results show that the A2O system only nitrification and almost no denitrification, total phosphorus almost no removal rate; The removal rate of BOD5 and COD was very significant in the MBR system, and the removal rate was above 99 %. At the same time, the MBR had the function of removing ammonia and total phosphorus, the average removal rate was 36.57 % and 74.10 %, the average of total dissolved solids were 292.20 mg/L, indicating that the salt or metal ions in the water could not be separated by the MBR; In modified A2O + MBR system, The average removal rate of suspended solid、BOD5 and COD was 97.45 %、95.57 % and 92.79 %, and the removal rate was not affected by the concentration of MLSS in the oxic tank. After treatment, the average removal rate of ammonia was 3.57 mg/L, and the average removal rate was 85.68 %. The nitrification could be carried out in oxic environment due to sufficient dissolved oxygen. Total phosphorus is limited by the concentration of sludge uptake and storage, and the total phosphorus content after sludge discharge can be reduced but the effect is limited. The nitrification sludge and the return sludge are all from the MBR tank, the membrane tank needs aeration to keep the membrane swing, so that when the sludge back to the anaerobic tank and the anoxic tank, due to the dissolved oxygen of sludge is too high lead to denitrification and phosphorus release is not significant.
第一章 研究緣起與目的....................................1
1.1 研究緣起............................................1
1.2 研究目的與研究流程...................................2
第二章 文獻回顧..........................................4
2.1 A2O處理程序........................................4
2.2 污水中氮的去除機制...................................5
2.2.1 硝化作用...........................................6
2.2.2 脫硝作用...........................................9
2.3 污水中磷的去除機制..................................10
2.4 同時去氮除磷機制的衝突點.............................13
2.5 MBR處理程序........................................14
2.5.1 薄膜過濾機制......................................16
2.5.2 薄膜過濾機制分類..................................18
2.5.3 薄膜過濾的模式....................................19
2.5.4 薄膜模組的分類....................................20
2.5.5 薄膜積垢與解決方法................................21
第三章 研究方法.........................................24
3.1 研究場所...........................................24
3.2 研究方法與步驟......................................26
3.3 採樣點與分析項目選定.................................27
第四章 結果與討論.......................................30
4.1 A2O單元氮磷分析.....................................31
4.1.1 氨氮去除效率分析..................................31
4.1.2 亞硝酸氮去除效率分析..............................34
4.1.3 硝酸氮去除效率分析................................35
4.1.4 總磷去除效率分析..................................36
4.1.5 厭氧槽水質分析....................................37
4.1.6 缺氧槽水質分析....................................38
4.1.7 好氧槽水質分析....................................39
4.2 MBR操作單元分析.....................................41
4.2.1 MBR有機物去除效率分析.............................43
4.2.2 MBR懸浮固體去除效率分析............................45
4.2.3 MBR氨氮與總磷去除效率分析..........................46
4.3 改良A2O+MBR系統分析.................................48
4.3.1 懸浮固體去除效率分析...............................48
4.3.2 有機物去除效率分析................................50
4.3.3 氨氮去除效率分析..................................52
4.3.4 總磷去除效率分析..................................53
4.4 綜合分析............................................54
4.4.1 與其他污水廠比較..................................55
4.4.2 設施或操作改善方案................................56
第五章 結論與建議.......................................58
5.1 結論...............................................58
5.2 建議...............................................59
附錄一 A2O系統進、放流水質...............................64
附錄二 第三方檢驗公司數據................................65
附錄三 MBR系統進、放流水質...............................66
附錄四 A2O+MBR系統進、放流水質與去除率....................67
附錄五 原始設計資料(A2O+MBR)............................68
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