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研究生(外文):Shih-Yuan Yang
論文名稱(外文):Electro-Optic Aperiodically Poled Lithium Niobate Directional Couplers
指導教授(外文):Yen-Hung Chen
外文關鍵詞:directional couplerslinbo3Lithium Niobateaperiodicalelectro-optical
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晶片上有不同耦合區長度的定向耦合器,藉由計算出的非週期性極化反轉結構,使不同參數的各組定向耦合器,可以量測出同樣在30V附近產生crossover state,在50V附近產生straight-through state,平均開關電壓為17.85V。
未來可將非週期結構定向耦合器套用共平面波導(coplanar waveguide)電極,以行進波的方式對光進行調制,將其做成高速調制的光開關,或是進一步製作成積體光學邏輯閘。藉著本論文非週期結構的自由度,再加入快速調制的電極結構,電控式定向耦合器將獲得更多的應用性,增加元件競爭力。
本研究以題目“Electro-optic aperiodically poled Lithium Niobate directional couplers”,在澳洲CUDOS:2017workshop,獲得Best Student Poster Award。
In this study, we have used simulated annealing method to calculate the aperiodic domain inversion structure in LiNbO3 crystal. Moreover, we have applied this kind of structure on the electro-optically directional coupler. With the aperiodically poled LiNbO3 directional coupler (APPLNDC), it made the difference coupling result with periodically poled LiNbO3 directional coupler (PPLNDC). According to the difference arrangement of the poling structure, the directional coupler can get the difference coupling result, and thus APPLNDC can be more adjustable. In this study, our aperiodical design can make the APPLNDC get the higher fabrication tolerance, higher switched bandwidth and higher voltage tolerance. Furthermore, we fabricate the APPLNDC chip to verify our simulation result.
We used our standard lithography process and Titanium diffusion process to fabricate directional coupler and the aperiodically poled LiNbO3 was made by our standard CLN(congruent LiNbO3) poling process. After the poling process, we used the E-gun and Thermal machine to fabricate the electrode. Finally, we did the cutting and the end-face polishing process, then the APPLNDC chip was ready to be measured.
On the APPLNDC chip, there are different coupling length of the directional couplers. With the aperiodically poled LiNbO3, different coupling length of the directional couplers can have the same working voltage to reach crossover state at approximately 30V, and reach the straight-through state at approximately 50V. The average switched voltage is roughly 17.85V.
The aperiodically LiNbO3 also can enhance the working bandwidth of the directional couplers. By our measurement, the APPLNDC can work from 1493.88nm to 1643.05nm, so the bandwidth is approximately 149.17nm. Compare to PPLNDC’s bandwidth 61.53nm, APPLNDC is 2.42 times boarder than PPLNDC. Directional coupler as an optical communication component, the bandwidth increases, the transmission capacity can also be increased, the characteristics of broadband has become a major advantage of this study.
In the future, the APPLNDC can also be used to apply a coplanar waveguide electrode to modulate the light in a traveling wave, to make it a high-speed modulated optical switcher, or to further develop an integrated optical logic gate. By using the aperiodically poled LiNbO3 and then applying the high-speed modulated electrode, the electro-optically switched directional coupler will obtain more application and increase the competitiveness in the optical communication.
This study have got the Best Students Poster Award in CUDOS:2017workshop. I was the second author:
Hung-Pin Chung, Shih-Yuan Yang, Sung-Lin Yang, Tsai-Yi Chien, Kuang-Hsu Huang, Yen-Yu Chou, Kai Wang, Dragomir N. Neshev, and Yen-Hung Chen. “Electro-optic aperiodically poled Lithium Niobate directional couplers” CUDOS 2017 Annual workshop, Australia, Best Poster award of nonlinear quantum photonics, (2017).
摘要 i
致謝 iv
目 錄 vi
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 vii
一、 緒論 1
1-1 積體光學簡介 1
1-2 定向耦合器的簡介與發展 1
1-3 研究動機 3
1-4 內容概要 4
二、 實驗原理 5
2-1 定向耦合器 5
2-2 電光效應 8
2-3 電光調制定向耦合器 12
2-4 鈮酸鋰晶體之晶疇極化反轉 16
2-5 模擬退火法 18
三、 模擬結果 21
3-1 增加製程容忍度設計 21
3-2 電壓容忍度設計(電壓斷路器設計) 26
四、 晶片設計與製作 30
4-1 電極設計 30
4-2 定向耦合器參數設計 32
4-3 鈦擴散定向耦合器製程 34
4-4 極化反轉製程 35
4-5 電極製程 39
五、 實驗結果與分析 41
5-1 增加製程容忍度設計之耦合特性量測 41
5-2 耦合特性量測結果分析 44
5-3 不同波長的耦合特性量測 49
5-4 波導總能量隨電壓增加而下降之分析 52
六、 結論與未來計畫 55
6-1 結論 55
6-2 未來展望 55
參考文獻 57
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