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研究生(外文):Cian-Rou Wu
論文名稱(外文):Research on Laser Induced Damage Threshold of High Reflection Multilayer Films
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Hui ChenChien-Cheng Kuo
外文關鍵詞:High ReflectionLaser Induced Damage Threshold
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隨著雷射的發展,薄膜必須承受得住更強的雷射光,因此對於抗雷射損傷閥值的要求也越來越高,尤其是具有高反射的雷射鏡。因此本論文針對高反射膜的抗雷射損傷閥值進行研究,在高反射膜反射率高於99.5 %的標準下,以不同鍍膜方法、結構設計與材料使用,針對中心波長為808 nm以及532 nm的高反射膜,分別以800 nm連續性雷射、800 nm Pulse雷射與532 nm Pulse雷射照射後,利用光學顯微鏡以及掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察膜面損傷情形,並計算其抗雷射損傷閥值。
本研究經由IBSD及IAD鍍製S / (HL)9 H / Air結構,S為基板、Air為空氣、H及L分別為四分之一波長厚的Ta2O5及SiO2,中心波長位於808 nm的高反射膜,可承受抗雷射損傷閥值為1953 W/cm2的時間分別為9分鐘及13分鐘,可承受閥值為1835 W/cm2的時間皆至少30分鐘;而經由IBSD及IAD鍍製S / (HL)9 H / Air結構之中心波長532 nm的高反射膜,其抗雷射損傷閥值分別為4.08 J/cm2、4.89 J/cm2,但藉由鍍膜方式、材料及結構的調整,將IAD鍍製結構改為S / (HL)9 MLM 2L / Air,M分別為四分之一波長厚的Al2O3,可將抗雷射損傷閥值提升至7.61 J/cm2,相較於一樣使用IAD鍍製的S / (HL)9 H / Air結構高反射膜,提升的將近55 %的抗雷射損傷閥值。
As the development of high power laser, optical thin films have been required to stand higher laser energy and power, and also laser induced damage threshold, especially the high reflection laser mirrors. Therefore, focus on the research of laser damage threshold (LIDT) of high reflection multilayer thin films. Using different deposition methods and materials to design the high reflection laser mirrors. High reflection laser mirrors at wavelength of 808 nm and 532 nm have been tested by 808 nm CW laser, 800 nm pulse laser and 532 nm pulse laser respectively. The damaged morphologies of the coatings have been characterized by OM and SEM, with varied laser energy and power to destroy the coatings.
The film stack of conventional design of the high reflection laser mirror is S / (HL)9 H / Air, S refers to substrate, and H, L denote Ta2O5, SiO2 layers with quarter-wavelength optical thickness (QWOT), the center wavelength is 808 nm, whose LIDT of deposited by the ion beam sputtered deposition and the electron beam evaporation with ion-beam assisted deposition can achieve 1,953 W/cm2 for nine minutes and thirteen minutes, respectively. And the film stack of conventional design was S / (HL)9 H / Air and the center wavelength is 532 nm, whose LIDT of deposited by ion bean sputtered and electron beam evaporation with ion-beam assisted deposition achieve 4.08 J/cm2 and 4.89 J/cm2 respectively. By using different deposition methods and materials to design the high reflection laser mirrors, which combining two oxide coating stacks, the structure expresses as S / (HL)9 MLM 2L / Air, and M denote Al2O3 layers with QWOT, deposited by electron beam evaporation with ion-beam assisted deposition. The LIDT of the double stack high reflection coatings increase to 7.61 J/cm2, presented a 50 % increase than the conventional high reflection coatings (4.89 J/cm2) .
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究背景 2
1.3 本文架構 5
第二章 高反射鏡基礎理論與發展 6
2.1 金屬膜反射鏡 6
2.2 全介電質膜高反射鏡 10
2.2.1 高反射區域之拓寬 12
2.3 抗雷射損傷閥值 15
第三章 實驗方法 19
3.1 實驗設備與儀器 19
3.1.1 射頻離子束濺鍍法 (Radio Frequency Ion Beam Sputtering Deposition, RF-IBSD) 19
3.1.2 電子槍蒸鍍法 (Electron Beam Gun Evaporation) 22
3.1.3 離子輔助系統 (Ion-Beam Assisted Deposition, IAD) 25
3.1.4 紫外光/可見光/近紅外光光譜儀 (UV/VIS/NIR Spectrophotometer) 27
3.1.5 原子力顯微鏡 (Atomic Force Microscope, AFM) 30
3.1.6 光學顯微鏡 (Optical Microscope, OM) 33
3.1.7 掃描式電子顯微鏡 (Scanning Electron Microscopy, SEM) 34
3.1.8 聚焦離子束 (Focus Ion Beam, FIB) 36
3.2 高反射膜鍍製流程 37
3.2.1 HL高低折射率材料堆疊 38
3.2.2 HML三種折射率材料堆疊 39
3.3 抗雷射損傷閥值量測方法 41
第四章 成果分析 45
4.1 高反射膜之模擬 45
4.1.1 HL高低折射率材料堆疊 45
4.1.2 HML三種折射率材料堆疊 52
4.2 高反射膜製程結果 57
4.2.1 HL高低折射率材料堆疊 57
4.2.2 HML三種折射率材料堆疊 60
4.3 抗雷射損傷閥值量測結果 61
4.3.1 808 nm CW laser與800 nm Pulse laser – HL堆疊之比較 61
4.3.2 532 nm Pulse laser – HL與HML堆疊之比較 66
第五章 結論與未來工作 76
參考文獻 78
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