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研究生(外文):Hao-Xun Zhan
論文名稱(外文):Sine Condition Test by Angular Deflectometry
指導教授(外文):Chao-Wen Liang
外文關鍵詞:optical testingAbbe sine conditionangular deflectometry
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There are two main topics in this paper: the advanced angular deflectometry with line scanning and centroid method and the application of angular deflectometry to the Abbe sine condition test.
In our previous publications, we successfully made a deflectometry measurement using a portable laser projector. In this study, we propose the beam weighting centroid method instead of the phase-shifting method to quantify the angular direction of the testing beam in the tested optics entrance pupil. By projecting the angular sequential lines on the tested optics entrance pupil, the wavefront aberration is reconstructed from two orthogonal direction measurements similarly to the line-scanning deflectometry. Therefore, the limited grayscale problem of the laser projector during the phase-shifting measurement is eliminated. The reconstructed wavefront is proven to yield a more accurate result than the phase-shifting methods at the cost of more image frames and acquisition time.
With the on-axis deflectometry measurement using a laser projector, which is called angular deflectometry, we discuss the relation between the Abbe sine condition violation and the linear field dependent aberrations because of the pupil mapping error of the image system. Then, we apply the angular deflectometry measurement to the sine condition test, which can measure the ray angles in the object and image space with arc-second order precision. Finally, we examine the relation between linear field dependent aberrations and the system misalignment.
摘要 I
English Abstract II
Table of Contents III
List of Figures V
List of Tables VIII
1 Introduction 1
1-1 Deflectometry history 1
1-2 Sine condition test history 2
1-3 Research motivation 3
2 Aberration and measurement theory 5
2-1 Focal plane measurement methods and principle 5
2-2 Zernike polynomials and gradient Zernike polynomials 7
2-3 Laser projector system 9
2-4 Gaussian beam propagation 9
2-5 Angular line-scanning deflectometry 11
2-6 Deference between angular and spatial deflectometry 13
2-7 Abbe sine condition and offense against the sine condition 15
2-8 Vector form of the OSC and pupil mapping error 16
2-9 Sine condition test prior art 20
3 Multiple-line-scanning deflectometry experiment 22
3-1 Limited grayscale capability of the laser projector 22
3-2 Elements in the measurement system 24
3-3 Line-scanning measurement process 25
3-4 Building the four-dimensional ray data 27
3-5 Multiple-line-scanning deflectometry 31
3-6 Comparison of the test result with the simulation 34
3-7 Test results of PSD, single LSD and multiple LSD 35
4 Sine condition test experiment 37
4-1 Angular deflectometry system 37
4-2 Measurement processing 38
4-3 Testing result for the misalignment system 46
4-4 CodeV simulation for the misalignment system 49
5 Discussion and summary 56
5-1 Angular line-scanning deflectometry 56
5-2 Sine condition test by angular deflectometry 57
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