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研究生(外文):Shih-Neng Yeh
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Today, energy shortage, resource depletion, climate change and environmental pollution posed profound threat to human’s life and well-being. As environmental issue coming under the spotlight, related government policy, closely bound to social and economic development, has as well raised public concerns, and therefore led to in-depth research. Among all the environmental issues, ecological damage caused by global warming gets the most attention. Due to higher and higher sea temperature, global warming and climate change getting drastically.
Because of island-topography and shortage of self-produced energy, Taiwan depends mostly on energy imports; consequently, energy price is pegged to world energy price and is highly influenced by international supply and demand. How to achieve stable and safe energy supply, while keep the price at a reasonable level, have all become the priorities and challenges, as well , to policy makers.
This dissertation focuses on three themes: the analysis of the background data and resource analysis on rooftop photovoltaic systems, the statistics data on the power generation variables related to rooftop photovoltaic systems, and the rooftop-photovoltaic-system business model developed by Taiwan leasing company. Through a case study, the dissertation summarizes and analyzes the operating characteristics of leasing companies, variables affect rooftop photovoltaic systems and industry strategies. In the end, the study further puts forward suggestion on business model adopted by leasing company.
By using the data obtained from the C leasing company which has provided the rooftop-photovoltaic-system investment and the financing project, this research is to study and to discover the investment on rate of return in Taiwan solar industry. With matured solar-cell industry in Taiwan, the C leasing company takes the advantage of its own local business to develop solar business. Furthermore, the completed industry chain in photovoltaic components achieves economic scale, which provides solid grounding for the development of solar industry. Supported by clear and enlightened government policy, the C leasing company, equipped with sufficient funding and skills at financial structuring and business operation, is establishing short-term and long-term goals to build and invest in Taiwan solar industry.
第一章 緒論 ......................................................................................................1
第一節、研究背景 ...............................................................................1
第二節、研究動機 ...............................................................................5
第三節、研究目的 ...............................................................................7
第四節、研究流程與論文架構 .........................................................10
第二章 產業背景 ............................................................................................11
第一節、租賃產業簡介 .....................................................................11
第二節、太陽能產業簡介 .................................................................21
第三章 文獻探討 ............................................................................................34
第一節、租賃產業文獻 .....................................................................35
第二節、太陽能產業文獻 .................................................................42
第三節、小結 ………….....................................................................46
第四章 研究方法 ............................................................................................47
第一節、個案分析法 .........................................................................48
第二節、研究架構 .............................................................................49
第三節、研究實施與步驟 .................................................................50
第五章 個案分析 ............................................................................................53
第一節、C租賃公司簡介 ...................................................................53
第二節、屋頂型太陽能發電系統 .....................................................60
第三節、資料來源與資料統計說明 .................................................66
第四節、個案電廠發電量預估與投資報酬率 .................................75
第五節、個案經營模式 .....................................................................78
第六章 結論 ....................................................................................................80
參考文獻 ..........................................................................................................83
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