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研究生(外文):Qi-Xian Huang
論文名稱(外文):Study of Fairness Based Uplink Scheduler for LTE-A Network
指導教授(外文):Yen-Wen Chen
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LTE-A(Long Term Evolution Advanced)是3GPP推出的4G網路主流技術。在無線資源調度方面,由無線資源管理單位(Radio Resource Management, RRM)來實現目標。SC-FDMA(Single-carrier Frequency-Division Multiple Access)具有比OFDMA(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access)較低之PAPR(Peak to Average Power Ratio),考量手機省電因素,LTE-A的Uplink採用SC-FDMA技術,SC-FDMA傳輸資料量低,所以要求調度傳輸分配給任一用戶之RB(Resource Block)必須是連續的,使得Downlink調度傳輸不能直接應用OFDMA技術在Uplink調度傳輸。
3GPP於Rel.8上行提出SC-FDMA,為了使UE選擇RB彈性,提昇系統吞吐量(throughput),於Rel.10推出了Multi-Cluster SC-FDMA載波技術,支援一個UE最多可以有2個clustered SC-FDMA之連續性分配,因此本論文參考文獻[1]之文章,引入此關鍵技術,並設計一個權值公式(weight function)來考量其公平性(fairness)及吞吐量。
最後模擬結果,除了符合規格之連續分配資源的規範,頻寬需求和用戶間通道品質考量之步驟,也加入了Multi-Cluster SC-FDMA技術、權值公式設計,達到系統頻寬資源之公平分配與吞吐量的提昇。

【關鍵詞】 LTE-Advanced、OFDMA、SC-FDMA、Multi-Cluster SC-FDMA
LTE-A (Long Term Evolution Advanced) was proposed by 3GPP, is the main technology of 4G Network. The RRM unit would fulfill the work for wireless resource scheduling. LTE-A uplink scheduling uses SC-FDMA technique to allocate continuous RBs for each UE, because it has low data-rate and its PAPR is lower than OFDMA. Lower PAPR can save UE’s battery energy. Therefore, OFDMA technique can not be applied on uplink scheduling transmission.
3GPP launched the Multi-Cluster Carrier technique in Rel.10 to make UEs can choose a flexible RB to enhance system throughput. Each UE could be assigned up to two continuous RBs allocation. This paper refers to a conference article which posted in VTC Fall [1], and will adopt this key technique to take throughput and fairness into consideration.
Simulation result finally shows that not only can meet the standard of continuous resource allocation, but take Bandwidth requirement and channel quality into account between UEs, and designs a design weight function with Multi-Cluster technique to achieve fairness of system bandwidth resource and throughput enhancement.

Keyword : LTE-Advanced、SC-FDMA、OFDMA、Multi-Cluster SC-FDMA
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 5
1.2研究動機與目的 5
1.3章節概要 5
第二章 相關背景研究 4
2.1 LTE無線網路規格基本介紹 5
2.1.1 LTE系統架構 5
2.1.2 LTE協定層架構 8
2.1.3 LTE訊框架構 9
2.1.4 Resource Block(RB) 7
2.1.5 LTE之QoS 12
2.2 LTE-A上行傳輸技術介紹 13
2.2.1 SC-FDMA上行傳輸技術 13
2.2.2 Multi-Cluster上行傳輸技術 15
2.2.3上行通道傳輸協定 17
2.3 上行相關演算法介紹 17
2.3.1 Single-tier resource allocation(STRA)演算法 17
2.3.2 First Maximum Expansion (FME)演算法 18
2.3.3 Maximum Throughput (MT)演算法 19

2.3.4 Round Robin (RR)演算法 19
第三章 研究方法 23
3.1系統架構介紹 23
3.2權值設計機制 25
3.3限制頻寬方式 27
3.4加入Rel.10之Multi-clustered SC-FDMA 28
第四章 模擬結果與分析 35
4.1模擬環境介紹 35
4.2模擬結果與分析 36
4.2.1 STRA 未限制頻寬 38
4.2.2 STRA 限制頻寬(1.5Mbps) 43
第五章 結論 59
參考文獻 60

圖1.1-1 OFDMA and SC-FDMA 1
圖1.1-2 Clustered allocation 頻譜示意圖 2
圖2.1-1 TDD / FDD架構 4
圖2.1-2 OFDMA及SC-FDMA傳輸QPSK資料比較 5
圖2.1-3 EPS High Level Architecture 5
圖2.1-4 Evolved Packet System(EPS)系統核心架構 6
圖2.1-5 E-UTRAN架構 7
圖2.1-6 User-Plane Protocol Stack 8
圖2.1-7 Control-Plane Protocol Stack 9
圖2.1-8第一類訊框架構圖 10
圖2.1-9第二類訊框架構圖 10
圖2.1-10 Uplink resource grid 11
圖2.1-11不同頻寬之RB寬度示意圖 12
圖2.2-1不同多工技術PAPR之差異(a)QPSK(b)16QAM 14
圖2.2-2分散式及連續式分配之差異 14
圖2.2-3 L-FDMA與I-FDMA傳輸速度比較 15
圖2.2-4 Rel.10-Multi-Cluster與Rel.8-SC-FDMA分配比較 16
圖2.2-5 Multi-clustered與SC-FDMA之PAPR比較 16
圖2.3-1 STRA分配結果圖 18
圖2.3-2 cell edge throughput分配結果圖 20
圖2.3-3不同機制系統平均throughput分配結果圖 20
圖2.3-4 Throughput performance for 5UEs 21
圖2.3-5 Throughput performance for 10UEs 22
圖2.3-6 Throughput performance for 15UEs 22
圖3.1-1系統架構分析整理圖 23
圖3.1-2 Scenario of LTE uplink operations 24
圖3.3-1加入頻寬上限流程圖 28
圖3.4-1 PUSCH and PUCCH combinations in 3GPP Release 10 30
圖3.4-2加入Multi-Cluster SC-FDMA流程圖 33
圖4.2-1(α= 0) 1-cluster throughput分配 37
圖4.2-2(α= 0.4)1-cluster throughput分配 37
圖4.2-3(α= 1)1-cluster throughput分配 38
圖4.2-4平均一個UE於不同α值1-cluster throughput分配 39
圖4.2-5平均一個UE於不同α值2-cluster throughput分配 39
圖4.2-6不同α值之1-cluster RB利用率 40
圖4.2-7不同α值之2-cluster RB利用率 40
圖4.2-8不同α值於1-cluster平均一個RB之MCS Level 41
圖4.2-9不同α值於2-cluster平均一個RB之MCS Level 41
圖4.2-10不同α值於1-cluster傳輸標準差 42
圖4.2-11不同α值於2-cluster傳輸標準差 43
圖4.2-12 Throughput/UE (1.5Mbps in 1-cluster) 44
圖4.2-13 Throughput/UE (1Mbps in 1-cluster) 45
圖4.2-14 Throughput/UE (0.5Mbps in 1-cluster) 45
圖4.2-15 Throughput/UE (1.5Mbps in 2-cluster) 46
圖4.2-16 Throughput/UE (1Mbps in 2-cluster) 46
圖4.2-17 Throughput/UE (0.5Mbps in 2-cluster) 47
圖4.2-18 RB Utilization (1.5Mbps in 1-cluster) 48
圖4.2-19 RB Utilization (1Mbps in 1-cluster) 48
圖4.2-20 RB Utilization (0.5Mbps in 1-cluster) 49
圖4.2-21 RB Utilization (1.5Mbps in 2-cluster) 49
圖4.2-22 RB Utilization (1Mbps in 2-cluster) 50
圖4.2-23 RB Utilization (0.5Mbps in 2-cluster) 50
圖4.2-24 MCS / RB (1.5Mbps in 1-cluster) 51
圖4.2-25 MCS / RB (1Mbps in 1-cluster) 51
圖4.2-26 MCS / RB (0.5Mbps in 1-cluster) 52
圖4.2-27 MCS / RB (1.5Mbps in 2-cluster) 52
圖4.2-28 MCS / RB (1Mbps in 2-cluster) 53
圖4.2-29 MCS / RB (0.5Mbps in 2-cluster) 53
圖4.2-30 Throughput Standard Deviation (1.5Mbps in 1-cluster) 55
圖4.2-31 Throughput Standard Deviation (1Mbps in 1-cluster) 55
圖4.2-32 Throughput Standard Deviation (0.5Mbps in 1-cluster) 56
圖4.2-33 Throughput Standard Deviation (1.5Mbps in 2-cluster) 56
圖4.2-34 Throughput Standard Deviation (1 Mbps in 2-cluster) 57
圖4.2-35 Throughput Standard Deviation (0.5 Mbps in 2-cluster) 57

表2.1-1 LTE系統內部功能介紹 6
表2.1-2 LTE User-Plane協定功能 8
表2.1-3 LTE Control-Plane協定功能 9
表2.1-4 Uplink-downlink allocations 10
表2.1-5 Resource block參數表 12
表2.1-6系統頻寬對應RB個數示意圖 12
表2.1-7 QCI Characteristics 13
表2.2-1上行實體通道功能 17
表2.3-1 The mapping between SNR and MCS 18
表2.3-2 An example of the measured SNR values of each UE in each RB 18
表3.1-1 MCS and SNR 24
表3.2-1 5*9矩陣範例(α = 1) 26
表3.2-2 5*9矩陣範例(α = 0.4) 27
表3.4-1 Resource Block Group (RBG) size 30
表3.4-2 5*9 Multi-Clustered SC-FDMA矩陣之範例 31
表3.1-3 5*9 Multi-Clustered SC-FDMA實作之範例 31
表4.1-1 RB number of Bandwidth 35
表4.1-2 系統模擬參數 35
表4.1-3 Mapping between MCS and RB capacity 36
表4.2-1 模擬分析case分類 36
表4.2-2 模擬結果結論總表 58
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