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研究生(外文):Chia-Yu Hsu
論文名稱(外文):User Grouping and Power Allocation for Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) Downlink Transmission in Multi-Cell NOMA Systems
指導教授(外文):Yung-Fang Chen
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本論文提出一個以非正交多重接取(NOMA)技術為基礎,結合協調式多點 (CoMP) 技術來增加系統邊緣使用者及整體的吞吐量。非正交多重接取技術主要是在傳送端做功率配置,使不同使用者的訊號可以利用功率域將訊號疊加並在相同的頻帶上進行傳輸,並在接收端搭載連續干擾消除技術(SIC)降低來自同頻帶訊號的干擾(Co-channel Interference),但一般來說連續干擾消除技術只會採用在細胞中心使用者,而細胞邊緣使用者則不考慮使用連續干擾消除技術因為效果不彰,所以本篇論文提出將協調式多點技術加入非正交多重接取系統中,並藉由我們提出的使用者分組和功率配置方法,分析邊緣使用者跟系統整體的效能,在模擬結果顯示出,當總傳輸功率一樣時,加入協調式多點技術確實能改善系統整體的吞吐量及頻譜效能。
In this paper, we propose a user grouping and power allocation method which is based on non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and combines with coordinated multipoint (CoMP) technique to increase the cell-edge and average cell throughputs. NOMA focuses on power allocation in transmitter mainly, having the signal from different users superimposed in power domain and then transmitting in the same spectrum. Meanwhile, operate successive interference cancellation (SIC) method in receiver to lower co-channel interference. Generally, SIC method is only concerned by the cell-center UEs. However, it may put limitation on the performance of NOMA. Through our proposed user grouping and power allocation methods, we can improve sum capacity performance and reduce the interference. The user grouping method is based on selecting the users with the maximum channel gain to achieve system performance maximization under the perfect SIC case. Furthermore, we exploit the minimum rate requirement of the users and total power constraint to optimize the power allocation problem. To further enhance the performance of NOMA in multi-cell, joint transmission (JT) CoMP can be considered at cell-edge UE. In addition, we can use the derived formula to get the mode selection method. According to simulation results, the propose method achieves better cell-edge UE throughput and increase average cell capacity than conventional OMA system.
論文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
List of Figure vii
List of Tables viii
Chapter1. Introduction - 1 -
1.1. Non-orthogonal Multiple Access - 1 -
1.2. Coordinated Multi-Point - 4 -
1.3. Organization - 6 -
1.4. Abbreviations - 7 -
1.5. Notation - 8 -
Chapter2. System Model and Problem Formulation - 9 -
2.1. CoMP Measurement Set Selection - 11 -
2.2. JT-NOMA - 12 -
2.3. Problem Formulation - 14 -
Chapter3. User Grouping and power allocation scheme - 15 -
3.1. JT-NOMA Grouping scheme - 16 -
3.2. Power Allocation for JT-NOMA system - 17 -
Chapter4. Simulation Results - 21 -
4.1. Simulation model - 21 -
Chapter5. Conclusion - 25 -
Reference - 26 -
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