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研究生(外文):Yih-Jong Huang
指導教授(外文):An-Chi Wei
外文關鍵詞:Combination for optical and electro-thermal simulation of OLEDLuminous performanceTemperature distributionRatio of energy conversion
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With the development of solid state lighting in recent years, OLED has gradually been prevalent in display and lighting applications. If the performance of an OLED device can be simulated before the fabrication, it will be helpful for planning the manufacture and reducing the costs. By importing the given characteristics of the materials into the simulation, we can analyze the OLEDs through the simulated and experimental results and prove the accuracy of the simulation model.
In this study, we built a three dimensional photo-electro-thermal simulation model by the software, COMSOL Multiphysics. First, we constructed the optical model and assigned the related parameters. After receiving the simulated out-lighting results, we combined the optical model and the pre-built electro-thermal model by the ratio of energy. This combined model can simulate not only the luminous performance but also the temperature distribution of the element. In order to verify the simulation model, we measured the luminous performance and temperature distribution by using instruments, such as the integrating sphere, the lux meter and the thermal camera. Finally, we compared the simulated and experimental results to prove the accuracy of the simulation model and discussed the energy ratios in the optical and electro-thermal models according to the energy conversion theory.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 X
第一章、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 文獻探討 5
1-3 研究動機 14
1-4 論文架構 15
第二章、基礎理論與原理 16
2-1 有機發光二極體發光原理 16
2-2 幾何光學 18
2-2-1 折射定律和反射定律 18
2-2-2 全反射和臨界角 20
2-3 菲涅爾損失 21
2-4 照度與發光強度 23
2-5 有機發光二極體發熱原理 25
2-6 固體熱傳導理論 27
2-7 光熱電模擬耦合理論 28
2-8 小結 31
第三章、模擬設計與架構 32
3-1 OLED光模擬方法與結果 32
3-1-1 光模擬流程 32
3-1-2 COMSOL光模擬結構與模擬結果 34
3-1-3 LightTools光模擬結構與模擬結果 45
3-1-4 COMSOL與LightTools模擬結果比較 57
3-2 OLED電、熱耦合模擬方法與結果 60
3-2-1 熱模擬流程 60
3-2-2 熱模擬結構與熱分布 61
3-3 OLED光熱電模擬耦合方法 65
3-4 小結 69
第四章、量測系統與實驗方法 70
4-1 I-V Curve量測 71
4-2 出光效能量測 72
4-3 熱分布量測 74
4-4 光照度與配光曲線量測 77
4-4-1 照度計量測配光曲線 77
4-4-2 配光曲線儀 79
4-5 小結 81
第五章、實驗結果與模擬修正 82
5-1 I-V Curve量測結果 82
5-2 光模擬修正與實驗結果 84
5-2-1電光轉換率 84
5-2-2 光照度分布與配光曲線 87
5-3 熱模擬修正與實驗結果 94
5-4 小結 98
第六章、結論與未來展望 99
6-1 結論 99
6-2 未來展望 100
參考文獻 102
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