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研究生(外文):Tzer-Wen Wang
論文名稱:都市更新獎勵容積評定標準合理性之研究 —以台北市個案分析為核心
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Justifying Building Occupancy Incentive on Urban Housing Rehabilitation- the Case of City of Taipei
指導教授(外文):Ting-Ya Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:Urban RehabilitationBuilding Occupancy IncentiveScaleIncentive
  • 被引用被引用:7
  • 點閱點閱:528
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  • 下載下載:139
  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:2
台北市雖為首都,但許多老舊建築物參差不齊為人所詬病,民國87 年訂立之「都市更新條例」提供解決此問題之契機,畢竟都市更新能提升土地使用合理性、增加都市防災、增加公共設施等,但近年來都更成功案件數逐年降低,經濟誘因不足為主要因素,私部門沒有足夠之利潤不會進場協商及開發。對於都更而言,最大誘因為主管機關核定之獎勵容積,但如何獎勵能被輿論壓力、民意抑或是環境容忍度所接受,值得吾人深入探討。
本研究發現理論容積獎勵值扣除基地規模獎勵值遠大於實際容積獎勵值,代表獎勵容積於實務中已經足夠且基地規模獎勵有討論空間,其原因有許多,包括:(1)其他項申請難度低,私部門傾向容易申請且申請額度高之項目,基地規模獎勵這項申請比例不高、(2)大規模整合困難,其門檻過高、(3)台北市土地稀少,整合3000 平方公尺以上實屬困難。台北市自治條例中基地規模容積獎勵為達到門檻即獎勵落袋之度,且為了保有當初立法原意大規模之整合,並符合現今實務之要求,應將每個級距內獎勵制度起始值提升百分之二,以利加速都市更新。
Granted that the City of Taipei is the jewel of Taiwan, it’s urban prospects often tainted by an asymmetric contrast of defunct as well as modern buildings, side by side. The promulgation of Urban Housing Rehabilitation Act (the Act) offers opportunities for a city to revive itself in terms of zoning, disaster management, and public infrastructure. Nonetheless, due to a stringent
review system which provide thin economic incentives to the stakeholders, successful rehabilitation cases have been scant. There is an urgent need to rethink the balance between achieving the goal of this Act and the suspicious views towards the authority in granting the
incentive to of the stakeholders.
In this, a key factor surrounding any rehabilitation case is the “Scale” of rehabilitation coverage. This particular factor would dictate many aspects of urban rehabilitation, and will be taken as the core of this study.
By comparing and analyzing more than a dozen cases in Taipei City, this study found a substantial gap between the Scale occupancy incentive which is actually granted by the Authority and the level of incentive which the Act allows. This shows that there is no need to further elevate the threshold of incentive in the Act. The question however is why most stakeholders choose to ignore the Scale incentive. The main reasons may include: (1) other class of incentives are comparably easier to achieve than Scale, (2) a larger scale rehabilitation generates a much higher threshold for unanimity among stakeholders, (3) the scarcity of land in Taipei City renders the baseline scale of 3,000 square meters unrealistic. The prime suggestions of this study include that (1) authority discretion in granting the Scale incentive should be relinquished, and (2) each Scale incentive level should be added 2 percent points, so that the Scale incentive becomes more viable.
摘要 .............................................................. I
Abstract ......................................................... II
目錄 ............................................................ III
圖目錄 ............................................................ V
表目錄 .......................................................... VII
第一章 緒論 ....................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景 .................................................... 1
1.2 研究動機及研究目的 .......................................... 1
1.3 研究範圍 .................................................... 2
1.4 研究方法與流程 .............................................. 2
第二章 文獻回顧 ................................................... 5
2.1 台北市都市更新發展過程 ...................................... 5
2.2 獎勵容積制度 ................................................ 5
2.3 台北市都市更新單元規劃設計獎勵容積評定標準 .................. 6
2.4 都市更新制度 ................................................ 6
2.5 台北市單元規劃設計獎勵容積評定標準之更新基地規模 ............ 6
2.6 新北市都市更新建築容積獎勵容積核算基準之基地規模獎勵 ........ 7
第三章 資料蒐集 ................................................... 8
3.1 台北市都市更新狀態 .......................................... 8
3.2 台北市核定案件基地面積狀態分布 .............................. 8
3.3 民國105 年台北市核定案件基地面積狀態分布 .................... 9
3.4 新北市容積獎勵申請項目統計表 ............................... 10
3.5 台北市容積獎勵申請項目統計表 ............................... 12
3.6 新北市容積獎勵平均獎勵額度 ................................. 14
3.7 台北市容積獎勵平均獎勵額度 ................................. 16
3.8 投資報酬率分析表 ........................................... 18
第四章 個案研究 .................................................. 19
4.1 研究設計 ................................................... 19
4.2 訪談內容整理 ............................................... 21
4.3 案例分析 ................................................... 22
4.4 小結 ....................................................... 34
第五章 結論與建議 ................................................ 37
5.1 結論 ....................................................... 37
5.2 建議 ....................................................... 37
參考文獻 ......................................................... 39
1. 王耀星,「影響都市更新推動成效因素之探討-以台北市都市更新為例」,國立臺灣師範大學全球經營與策略研究所,碩士論文,2012。
2. 台北市政府,「都市更新推動成果」,2016。
3. 台北市政府,「台北市都市更新單元規劃設計獎勵容積評定標準」,2008。
4. 台北市政府,「都市更新處事業計畫核定一覽表」,2017。
5. 周素卿,「臺灣西部前陸盆地地史分析初探」,p.70,國立臺灣大學地質研究所,碩士論文,1992。
6. 台北市政府,「台北市都市更新自治條例」,2014。
7. 李權益,「台北市劃定更新地區容積獎勵對基地規模的效益-從交易成本觀點探討」,p. 145,國立臺北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系,2012。
8. 新北市城鄉發展局,「新北市都市更新建築容積獎勵核算基準」,2016。
9. 新北市政府事業科,「容積獎勵額度調查表」,2016。
10. 台北市政府事業科,「容積獎勵額度調查表」,2016。
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