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研究生(外文):Hong-Wen Jiang
論文名稱(外文):Situated learning with multimedia annotation enhance EFL learning for dyslexia
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情境學習,此教學策略有助於非英語系國家的學生習得英語為第二外語,加上科技快速的發展和行動載具的普及,教育家廣泛運用行動學習融入教育,但是在特殊教育的研究中,少有探討科技輔助結合教學策略以提升身心障礙學生在英語學習的成效。因此,本研究探討情境教學策略應用於讀寫障礙學生的英語學習成效,並採用多媒體註記系統virtual pen (VPEN)幫助學生學習英語,學生不僅在學校學習外,也可以在不同的情境如家中進行複習,利用本系統所提供文字註記、圖片註記、錄音註記等功能,將所學的單字和句型,根據真實情境加以練習。本研究目的為探討多媒體系統與情境學習如何影響讀寫障礙學生的英語學習成就與學習行為。
Situated learning is helpful to learn English for students in non-native English country. With the rapid development of technology and mobile devices, mobile learning is used widely in education. In the research of special education, there is few research to combine technology with teaching strategy for disabled students with difficulties in English as foreign language (EFL). Therefore, this study evaluates the effect of situated learning for dyslexic students in EFL learning with multimedia annotation (virtual pen, VPEN). They can learn and review English from different situations, such as school and home. They can use VPEN to make a variety of annotation with voice, photos and texts in authentic situation to improve their English learning. This research aimed to investigate how VEPN and situated learning influenced dyslexic students’ learning achievement and behaviors.
In this study, there are four participants which were diagnosed with dyslexia in grade nine, for a period of seven weeks. The results showed that the mean values of post-tests in English vocabulary and sentence, the learning effect of situated learning at school&home was better than that of traditional learning and situated learning at school. It found that after school learning with situated learning had positive influence for dyslexic students’ EFL learning. It offered them a coherent learning experience from school to home. Additionally, they were willing to learn English from their surroundings. Furthermore, text annotation was used the most by dyslexic students according to the analysis of their learning behaviors. In other words, dyslexic students depended on using text annotation to learn English at school and at home.
中文摘要 i
Content iii
List of Tables v
List of Figures vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research background and motivation 1
1.2 The purpose of the research 3
1.3 The definition of terminology 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2.1 Dyslexia with EFL learning 5
2.1.1 English vocabulary learning for Dyslexic students 6
2.1.2 English sentence comprehension for Dyslexic students 7
2.2 Technology enhanced Dyslexic students in EFL learning. 8
2.2.1 Mobile technology Assisted Language Learning 8
2.2.2 Multimedia annotation enhance language learning 9
2.3 Situated learning enhanced Dyslexic students in EFL learning. 11
2.3.1 Situated learning enhance language learning at school 11
2.3.2 Situated learning enhance language learning after school 13
Chapter 3 System Design and Implementation 15
3.1 The design of system 15
3.2 The design of system for learning materials 16
3.3 The operation of annotation 16
3.3.1 The homepage of VPEN 16
3.3.2 The functions of VPEN 17
3.4 The practice of homework 20
Chapter 4 Methodology 21
4.1 Research framework 21
4.2 Research participants 24
4.3 Experimental procedure 25
4.4 Research Instruments 27
4.5 Methods of data analysis 27
Chapter 5 Results and Discussion 28
5.1 Analysis of learning achievement 28
5.1.1 Learning achievement of three teaching strategies 28
5.2 Analysis of Learning Behavior 36
5.2.1 Learning behavior among in three teaching strategies 37
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Suggestion 40
6-1 Conclusion 40
6.1.1 What kinds of teaching strategies is the most effective for dyslexic students’ word recognition in EFL learning? 40
6.1.2. What kinds of teaching strategies is the most effective for dyslexic students’ sentence comprehension in EFL learning? 40
6.1.3.What kinds of annotations is the most effective for dyslexic students in EFL learning? 41
6-2 Limitation and Suggestion 41
References 43
Appendix A: Pre-test 48
Appendix B: Post-test 49
Appendix C: Learning material (Traditional learning) 50
Appendix D: Learning material (Situated learning) 52
Appendix E: Homework 54
Appendix F: Teaching Plans -Traditional teaching 56
Appendix G: Teaching Plans -Situated lerning with VPEN at school 59
Appendix H: Teaching Plans -Situated lerning with VPEN at school&home 63
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