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研究生(外文):Yan-Wen Chuang
論文名稱(外文):Collaborative Drama Enhance EFL Learning in Authentic Context
指導教授(外文):Wu-Yuin Hwang
外文關鍵詞:situated learningmobile learningcognitive theory of multimedia learninenactivismdramaEFL
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Nowadays, English learning has been regarded as an important issue and there have been numerous related learning strategies and theories. In situated learning theory, a concept exists in many different context. Students should experience and compare it to construct the whole knowledge. Besides, the context should be related to students’ real experience. However, traditional English teaching just continuously put the knowledge into students mind. The contents were irrelevant to their daily life. And students had few opportunities to practice and applied the knowledge into their real life. Eventually, students’ motivation was low and they could not maintain the contents they had learned.
Hence, we integrated drama activity, a widely applied teaching approach in English learning, and mobile devices to create an authentic English drama learning environment. We proposed a mobile based system named Collaborative contextual drama (CCD) to help students learn English. Students could use the multimedia annotation function to learn first. Then, they could apply what they had learned to their real life through making drama in the familiar context. The main purpose of this study is to investigate how the combination of the system CCD and contextual English drama activity will affect students’ English learning. Besides, the relationship between students’ behavior and their learning achievement were also considered.
The result showed that students learning with CCD in the familiar context could really help them improve their English learning comparing with students just learning with paper and pen in the classroom. And the former could maintain what they had learned longer. Besides, from the correlation analysis and interview, we found that intonation, the number of annotation they made, the times they interact with the environment and the times they use their gesture or body movement would all affect their learning achievement in English learning as well.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
List of Tables iii
List of Figures iv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research background and motivation 1
1.2 Research questions 3
1.3 Definition of Terms 3
Chapter 2 Literature review 5
2.1 Background theory 5
2.1.1 Enactivism 5
2.1.2 Situated learning theory 6
2.1.3 Cognitive theory of Multimedia Learning 6
2.2 Mobile language learning across contexts 9
2.3 Drama enhance English learning 11
Chapter 3 System Design and Implementation 14
3.1 System Implementation 14
3.2 Learning material and annotation making 15
3.3 Drama making 18
3.4 Product sharing 21
Chapter 4 Methodology 23
4.1 Research Framework 23
4.2 Participants 26
4.3 Experiment flow 27
4.4 Experiment Instruments 29
4.4.1 Pre-test and Post-test 29
4.4.2 Delay test 31
4.4.3 Performance based assessment 32
4.4.4 Peer comment 32
4.4.5 Questionnaires 33
4.5 Big five personality test 35
4.6 Approach used for data analysis 35
Chapter 5 Results and Discussion 36
5.1 Analysis of Learning Achievement 36
5.1.1 Learning achievement between two groups 36
5.2 Relationship between dependent variables and learning achievement 39
5.2.1 Correlation between learning behavior and learning achievement 39
5.2.2 Correlation between drama behavior and learning achievement 40
5.2.3 Correlation between drama performance and learning achievement 42
5.2.4 Correlation between students’ personality and learning achievement 44
5.3 Prediction of the dependent variables to learning achievement 44
5.4 Students’ perception of making drama with CCD 45
5.4.1 Students’ perception toward CCD 46
5.4.2 Students’ perception toward the activity 50
Chapter 6 Conclusion and suggestions 54
6.1 Conclusion 54
6.2 Suggestions 56
References 57
Appendix A : Pre-test (Paper based test) 60
Appendix B : Pre-test (Oral test) 62
Appendix C : Big five personality test 64
Appendix D : Post-test (Paper based test) 66
Appendix E : Post-test (Oral test) 68
Appendix F : Delay test 70
Appendix G : TAM & ARCS 72
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