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研究生:戴 思萍
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Learning Behaviors and Learning Achievement of Vocational High School Students Using an Ubiquitous-Physics App
指導教授(外文):Wu-Yuin Hwang
外文關鍵詞:Ubiquitous-Physics (U-Physics)making hypothesisinterpreting graphsapplying formulamaking conclusionconceptual understandingmultiple representation
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The aim of this study is to investigate relationship between learning behaviors and learning achievement on vocational students who use our developed system, Ubiquitous-Physics (U-Physics), to learn simple pendulum in the experiment. U-Physics can facilitate collecting experimental data and drawing the corresponding graphs during experiment, thereby students can focus on how to interpret graphs and solve problems through applying formula. Participants were first and second grade female vocational high school students who are less interested in physics, while hopefully by using, U-Physics in physical experiment can motivate their interests and help their learning in physics. Learning behaviors included hypothesis-making, interpreting graphs, applying formula, conclusion making, pair coherence and conceptual understanding. In pilot, we involved one class participant and two class participants for main study. Results of pilot study showed significant positive correlation between interpreting graphs and applying formula. This finding indicated that the ability to interpret graphs has an important role in scientific learning. Therefore, we strongly recommend that physics teachers use graphs to enrich students’ information content and understanding. In addition, negative correlation between pair coherence and interpreting graphs. It may be that most of the participants (vocational high school students) have limited skill or confidence in physics problem solving, so they often seek help from teachers or their high-achieving peers. In addition, the findings also indicated that U-Physics could enhance students’ learning achievement during a three-week time. However, pilot results showed that there were no significant correlations between learning behaviors and learning achievement. This might be due to the content of the pretest and posttest were designed based on the school curriculum and no questions related to the experiments, such as interpreting graphs and applying formula, were included. Therefore, we conducted the main study to follow up this pilot study. The findings of the main study were that positively significant correlations existed between learning behaviors (making hypothesis, interpreting graphs, applying formula, making conclusion, conceptual understanding) and learning achievement (posttest). After deep investigation, we found that interpreting graphs and conceptual understanding were the two most important factors to affect learning achievement. Additionally, students perceived that U-Physics was easy to use and useful for learning physics. Therefore, in both studies we strongly recommend that physics teachers use graphs to enrich students’ information content and understanding. Teachers and researchers also should design physics learning activities to improve students’ multiple representation skills supported by U-Physics and utilize advanced features of mobile devices such as acceleration sensors, gyroscope, light sensors and GPS for learning physics.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iv
Contents v
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
List of Appendix ix
Chapter. 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Purpose 3
Chapter. 2 Literature Review 4
2. 1 Representation to facilitate scientific learning 4
2.2 Learning behaviors in scientific learning 6
2.3 Technology Acceptance Model 10
Chapter. 3 System Design and Implementation 13
3.1 Ubiquitous –Physics (U-Physics) 13
3.2 Implementation 15
Chapter. 4 Research Method 18
4.1 Research structure and research variables 18
4.2 Research flow and procedure 22
4.3 Research Subjects 26
4.4 Research tool 26
4.5 Experimental activities 28
4.6 Data collection and processing 30
Chapter. 5 Results and Analysis 32
5.1 Pilot study 32
5.1.1 Relationship among interpreting graphs, applying formula, and pair coherence 32
5.1.2 Relationship among pretest, posttest, and gain 35
5.1.3 Relationship between learning behaviors and learning achievement 35
5.2 Main study 36
5.2.1 Analysis of learning effect 36
5.2.2 Analysis of relationship between research variables and post-test 38
5.2.3 Students’ perception of U-Physics 41
Chapter. 6 Conclusions and Future Works 45
6.1 Conclusions 45
6.2 Future works 46
References 47
Appendix 51
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