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研究生(外文):Liu, Ta-Ming
論文名稱(外文):Ephemeral-Secret-Leakage Secure ID-Based Three-party Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for Mobile Distributed Computing Environments
指導教授(外文):Chang, Ting-Yi
口試委員(外文):Chiang, Mao-LunTsai, Cheng-JungChang, Ting-Yi
外文關鍵詞:Ephemeral-Secret-LeakageDistributed ComputingThree-Party Authenticated Key Agreement ProtocolMobile DeviceBilinear PairingAVISPA tool
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A three-party Authenticated Key Agreement(AKA) protocol in the distributed computing environment is a client that requests services from an application server through an authentication server. The authentication server is responsible for the authentication of participating entities and helps them to construct a common session key. Adopting the Key Transfer Authentication Protocol(KTAP)in such an environment, the authentication server is able to monitor the communication messages to prevent and trace network crime. However, the session key in the KTAP setting is created only by the authentication server and is vulnerable tote resilience of key control. On the other hand, with the rapid growth of network technologies, mobile devices are widely used by people to access servers in the Internet. Many AKA protocols for mobile devices have been proposed, however, most protocols are vulnerable to Ephemeral Secret Leakage(ESL) attacks which compromise the private keys of clients and the session key by an adversary from eavesdropped messages. This paper proposes a novel ESL-secure ID-based three-party AKA protocol for mobile distributed computing environments based on ESL-secure ID-based Authenticated Key Exchange(ID-AKE) protocol. The proposed protocol solves the key control problem in KTAP while retaining the advantages of preventing and tracing network crime in KTAP and also resists ESL attacks. The AVISPA tool simulation results confirm the correctness of the protocol security analysis. Furthermore, a parallel version of the proposed protocol is presented that is communication-efficient.
中文摘要 i
謝誌 iv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Preliminaries 6
2.1 Bilinear Pairings 6
2.2 Computational Problems 6
2.3 Security Attributes 7
2.4 Notations 8
Chapter 3 The Proposed Protocol 10
3.1 System Setup Phase 10
3.2 Key Extract Phase 11
3.3 Mutual Authentication and Key Agreement Phase 12
3.4 The Parallel Version 20
3.5 Preventing and Tracing Network Crime 22
Chapter 4 Security and Performance Analysis 25
4.1 Security Analysis 25
4.2 Formal Analysis Using AVISPA 30
4.3 Performance Analysis 32
4.4 Software Performance 33
Chapter 5 Conclusions 35
References 36
Appendix A. HLPSL code of the proposed protocol 40
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