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論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Operating Risks of Bank
指導教授(外文):Chang, Yuan
外文關鍵詞:CSROperating RiskCapital Adequacy RatioLiquidity Reserve RatioNonperforming Loan RatioZ-score
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根據銀行是否被遠見雜誌與天下雜誌分別頒發企業社會責任獎與企業公民,本論文設立虛擬變數以衡量銀行在社會責任上的投入。在銀行風險指標上,本論文以銀行的資本適足率、逾期放款比率、流動比率、一年內利率敏感性資產負債比率以及Z-score作為代理變數。本文採用變數的敘述統計量分析與檢定、社會責任變數與銀行風險變數間之相關係數分析以及多重迴歸分析以檢驗銀行的風險指標是否受其社會責任表現所影響。預期實證結果發現,銀行若有相對較佳的社會責任表現,平均來說,銀行有較高的資本適足率、較低的逾期放款比率、較高的流動準備比率、一年內利率敏感性資產負債比率較高以及較高的Z-score,表示社會責任投入程度較高的銀行普遍有較高的資本適足性、資產品質較佳、流動性風險較低而且亦有較高的破產風險。支持既有研究中關於公司在社會責任上表現良好將使公司在股票市場上有風險緩解效果(Risk-Reducing Effect)的觀點以及公司股價下跌時,社會責任表現良好的公司其股價下跌的幅度相對較小的保險效果(Insurance Effect)的觀點。

This master thesis examines the linkage between bank’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) engagement and operating risk, based on data of 27 public banks of Taiwan through 2008~2015. Existing literature has argued firm taking CSR tends to have benefits as well as on wide range of economic consequence, yet the number of existing studies examining CSR on the operating risk based on banking firm is rare. Banking industry plays a significant role in the development and stability of the financial system. While a bank typically has higher debt ratio and greater risk, the performance and risk of the banking sector have wide influences on shareholders, depositors, other stakeholders and even stability of the entire financial markets and economic system. It is necessary to explore the impact of bank’s CSR engagement on operating risk from the perspective of the banking industry. In addition, the accounting standard and government regulation for financial sector is divergent from non-financial sector, the performance versus risk measurement are also distinguished between financial versus non-financial industry. Above two reasons form the research motivation of the research.
This research employs the annual name-list of the Global Views Monthly’s “CSR-Award” and the Common Wealth’s “Corporate Citizens” to construct a dichotomous indicator as proxy variable for bank’s CSR engagement. Once a bank sample is conferred by the Global Views Monthly’s “CSR-Award” and the Common Wealth’s “Corporate Citizens”, CSR variable is equal to one, and zero otherwise. On the bank's operating risk indicator, this research uses Bank International Settlement (BIS) capital adequacy ratio, nonperforming loan ratio, liquidity reserve ratio, market sensitivity measure and Z-score as five proxy variables. Based on summary statistics test, correlation analysis and multiple regression estimation, the empirical result shows that bank with superior performance on CSR tends to have higher capital adequacy ratio, lower nonperforming loan ratio, higher liquidity reserve ratio but lower, means that bank with CSR tends to have greater capital adequacy, higher asset quality, lower liquidity risk but higher bankruptcy risk.
The implication of this research is threefold. First, the investor may choose bank with superior performance on CSR as their target. Second, bank manager may learn that bank’s engaging drives twin benefit, namely, for the society and for the bank itself. Third, the government authority may encourage banking firm to be more social responsible to have a stable banking system.

謝誌 I
摘要 II
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XI
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 7
第三節 研究架構與流程 8
第貳章 文獻探討 11
第一節 企業社會責任的定義與發展 11
第二節 銀行業從事社會責任的利益與成本 17
第参章 變數、資料與實證方法 23
第一節 變數定義與衡量 23
第二節 實證模型-多重迴歸分析 35
第三節 銀行樣本與資料來源 37
第肆章 實證結果 38
第一節 敘述統計量與相關分析 38
第二節 迴歸分析結果 44
第伍章 結論與建議 53
第一節 結論與政策意涵 53
第二節 研究限制與後續研究建議 54
參考文獻 56
【中文文獻】 56
【英文文獻】 57
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