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研究生(外文):Chien, Yung-Yu
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Consumers’ Selection and Satisfaction for Shopping Centers / Retailers
指導教授(外文):Chu, Hsing-Chung
外文關鍵詞:Shopping centerRetailersTraffic flow designMode of transportation
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台灣目前已經入購物中心的新世紀,美、歐、日等國均以興建大型購物中心,來滿足此種因為消費購買力提升的多元消費趨勢。設計理念是以達到『小都市』的多樣功能為目標,藉以結合區域政策、生活圈規劃、建築設計、公共設施、道路交通系統之整體考量。本研究探討顧客來源及屬性、賣場外部交通動線與內部流動設計、賣場區位與滿意度調查。資料收集為針對購物中心及量販店消費者為抽樣對象,台灣地區中部與南部地區,購物中心及量販店之消費者發放問卷。調查發現,消費者以女性消費者居多數,年齡層偏低,主要以20~29 歲為最大群;教育水準最多分佈在「專科或大學」;交通工具大多以機車為主。本研究結果顯示,有關賣場外部交通動線:(1)不同年齡之消費者對於『安全程度』之滿意度有所差異;(2)不同教育程度之消費者對於『安全程度』、之滿意度有所差異;(3)不同消費次數之消費者對於『安全程度』之滿意度有所差異。另外,有關賣場內部流動設計:(1)不同年齡之消費者對於『動線設計』、『服務』之滿意度有所差異;(2)不同教育程度之消費者對於『動線設計』、『服務』之滿意度有所差異;(3)不同消費次數之消費者對於『動線設計』、『服務』之滿意度有所差異。
Like those in America, Europe, Japan and other countries, the shopping centers in Taiwan have already entered a new age. Large shopping centers are designed and built to satisfy the ever-growing consumer demand for diversified trends. The design concept is to achieve the diverse functions of “a small city” by integrating regional policies, life circle plan1ning, architectural design, communal facilities, and traffic systems. This study has explored a number of topics, including the sources and attributes of customers, designs of traffic flow outside and inside the shopping centers, locations of the shopping centers and their resultant satisfaction levels. Consumers in the shopping centers and Retailers in central and southern regions in Taiwan were sampled to answer questionnaires for data collection. The survey results reveal that most of the consumers are female mainly in the 20~29 age category, whose educational levels are mainly concentrated in “junior college or university”, and who mainly use scooters as the mode of transportation. This study also indicates that the responses concerning the traffic circulation and safety outside the shopping centers are: (1) consumers in different age categories have different satisfaction levels on “safety degree”; (2) consumers with different education degrees also have different satisfaction levels on “safety degree”; (3) consumers with different consumption frequencies have different satisfaction levels on “safety degree”. Furthermore, responses to the traffic flow designs inside the shopping centers are: (1) consumers in different age categories have different satisfaction levels on “traffic flow design” and “service”; (2) consumers with different education degrees also have different satisfaction levels on “traffic flow design” and “service”; (3) consumers with different consumption frequencies have different satisfaction levels on “traffic flow design” and “service”
第一章 緒論........................1
1.1 研究背景與動機.................1
1.1.1 購物中心和量販店的區別........4
1.1.2 購物中心未來走向.............7
1.1.3 量販店未來走向...............8
1.2 研究目的......................9
1.3 研究範圍與對象................10
1.4 研究流程架構..................11
第二章 文獻探討...................12
2. 1 購物中心/量販店與消費者接受程度分析相關文獻.12
2.2 購物中心/量販店選購地點分析相關文獻.........22
2.3 消費者滿意度與再購意願分析相關文獻..........26
2.4 研究方法相關文獻..........................30
2.4.1 獨立樣本t檢定分析.......................30
2.4.2 變異數分析.............................32
2.4.3 卡方檢定...............................35
第三章 研究方法..............................37
3.1 研究假設................................37
3.2 變數操作與衡量...........................41
3.3 資料蒐集方法.............................42
3.4 獨立樣本t檢定分析........................43
3.5 變異數分析ANOVA..........................44
3.6 卡方檢定.................................45
第四章 資料分析與結果.........................46
4.1 敘述性統計分析............................47
4.2 信度分析.................................53
4.3 獨立樣本t檢定分析.........................55
4.4 變異數分析................................58
4.5 卡方檢定..................................65
第五章 結論與建議..............................71
5.1 結論......................................71
5.2 建議......................................73
5.3 研究限制與未來研究建議......................74
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