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研究生(外文):Erlin Rugun Lumbanraja
論文名稱:高等教育國際化: 留學台灣的印尼研究生的觀點
論文名稱(外文):Internationalization of Higher Education: Perspectives from Indonesian Graduate Students Studying in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Cheng Cheng Yang
外文關鍵詞:InternationalizationHigher EducationIndonesian Graduate StudentsTaiwan
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Higher education in Asia become internationalizing because of globalization, Taiwan is no exception of this trend. This study chooses higher education in Taiwan as research context. The aim of this study was; (1) to explore the current situation of Taiwanese higher education internationalization; (2) to assess the internationalization of Taiwanese higher education based on Indonesian students’ perspectives. A descriptive survey was performed. There are totally 150 respondents were Indonesian students studying in Taiwan and a random-category sampling was used to collect the estimated respondents that contain graduate students (Master degree) and post-graduate students (Doctoral degree). The tools of data collection are Likert’s scale and distributed by using Google form. To determine the consistency of the instrument, Cronbach’s alpha was used (α=0.941). The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, t-test, and ANOVA of SPSS software 21.0. The findings obtain that Indonesian student who’s studying in Taiwan rate the important dimensions of Taiwanese higher education internationalization. It was concluded that perceive higher on fact such as faculty; curriculum; administration; campus activities and student activities for public institutions were located on urban area. Otherwise, for public and private institutions were located on rural area has internationalization of higher education which were still has some less satisfaction dimension of administration, curriculum, faculty, and campus activities and student activities.
Higher education in Asia become internationalizing because of globalization, Taiwan is no exception of this trend. This study chooses higher education in Taiwan as research context. The aim of this study was; (1) to explore the current situation of Taiwanese higher education internationalization; (2) to assess the internationalization of Taiwanese higher education based on Indonesian students’ perspectives. A descriptive survey was performed. There are totally 150 respondents were Indonesian students studying in Taiwan and a random-category sampling was used to collect the estimated respondents that contain graduate students (Master degree) and post-graduate students (Doctoral degree). The tools of data collection are Likert’s scale and distributed by using Google form. To determine the consistency of the instrument, Cronbach’s alpha was used (α=0.941). The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, t-test, and ANOVA of SPSS software 21.0. The findings obtain that Indonesian student who’s studying in Taiwan rate the important dimensions of Taiwanese higher education internationalization. It was concluded that perceive higher on fact such as faculty; curriculum; administration; campus activities and student activities for public institutions were located on urban area. Otherwise, for public and private institutions were located on rural area has internationalization of higher education which were still has some less satisfaction dimension of administration, curriculum, faculty, and campus activities and student activities.
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Objectives 4
1.3 Operational Definition of Terms 5
1.4 Scope and Delimitation 5
1.5 Significance of the Study 6
2.1 Rationales and Theories of Higher Education Internationalization 7
2.2 Taiwanese Higher Education Reform and Internationalization 11
2.3 Briefly Introduce Indonesian Education and Tertiary Education System 17
2.4 Why Indonesian Students Study Abroad 19
2.5 Related Study 22
3.1 Research Approach and Design 25
3.2 Research Setting 26
3.3 The Study Population and Sample 26
3.4 Data Collection 27
3.4.1 Data Collection Instrument 27
3.4.2 Data Collection Procedure 28
3.5 Reliability and Validity 29
3.5.1 Reliability 29
3.5.2 Validity 29
3.6 Data Analysis 29
4.1 The Questionnaire Response Rate 30
4.2 Instrument Reliability Analysis 34
4.3 Descriptive Statistics 35
4.4 Inferential Statistics 37
4.4.1 t-test 37
4.4.2 ANOVA 39
5.1 Conclusion 49
5.2 Recommendation 51
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