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論文名稱(外文):The search of optimized conditions of response surface methodology by genetic algorithm combining penalty function
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本研究目的為以基因演算法結合懲罰函數,建立適用二次多項式的非線性規劃之演算法。新演算法的運算步驟為(1)產生初始族群(2)計算適應值(內含懲罰函數)(3)選別(4)交配(5)突變(6)產生新族群(7)回到第(2)步(8)若符合終止條件則解碼並輸出。本試驗以MATLAB編輯程式,將新演算法寫成解二次多項式非線性規劃的軟體,演算法參數設為定值:世代數、母體大小、交配率、突變率分別設為500代或100代、100個、0.8 0.2,以醬油發酵條件的最佳化函數(此案例世代數為500代,其餘案例為100代)、單螺桿擠出加工水產飼料流速最大化、食品與生物工程及杏仁膠與阿拉伯膠之乳化能力等四案例研究做數值測試,探討此軟體之運算效率。新開發之程式應用於單螺桿擠出加工水產飼料流速最佳化、杏仁膠與阿拉伯膠之乳化力最佳化,皆有較原案例預測最適值更佳的目標函數值,尤以單螺桿擠出加工水產飼料流速最大化之改善13%最為顯著。新程式可替代AMPL等市售軟體運算二次非線性規劃,由於AMPL不公開程式碼,而MATLAB有公開程式碼,因此可進一步優化成對話框式的獨立程式,方便使用,且本程式不需更改起始點,運算效率較高。
Objective: In the study, we investigated genetic algorithm combining penalty function to develop an optimization program for RSM application of food and agriculture area.
Methods: The steps of the newly developed algorithm are (1) randomly producing the initial population, (2) calculation of fitness value (pseudo-objective function containing penalty method), (3) wheel selection, (4) crossover, (5) mutation, (6) new population generalization, (7) back to step (2), and (8) stop the circulation of algorithm and output the best solution if the termination criterion is met. The new program–genetic algorithm combing penalty method, which is to solve second degree polynomial model, was coded with MATLAB. The parameter used in the study: generations, population size, crossover rate, mutation rate were set by 100 or 500, 100, 0.8, 0.2, respectively. The new program is evaluated by several models of previous study about the relationship between the fermentation condition and quality of soy sauce, the optimization of biomass flow during single-screw extrusion cooking, the optimization of food and bioengineering processes and the assessment of emulsifying ability of almond gum and gum arabic.
Numerical test: the application of new program on the optimization of biomass flow and emulsification of almond gum and gum arabic are better than the previous studies predicted. The result of biomass flow have been raised 13% by the new program comparing to the result of previous study.
Conclusion: Newly developed program can be used as a substitute of AMPL to solve nonlinear programming problems of second degree polynomial model. The code of AMPL is undercover, while the one of MATLAB is opened. The new program can be further improved as an independent program for user friendly. In addition, repeatedly making initial guess is not necessary in the new program, thus the new program is more effective than traditional one.
摘要 II
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
壹、 前言 1
貳、 文獻回顧 3
1. 反應曲面法 3
2. 非線性規劃之最佳化 7
3. 基因演算法 8
參、 研究方法 12
1. 市售非線性規劃程式 12
2. MATLAB編碼 12
3. 基因演算法 (Genetic algorithm,GA) 13
4. 懲罰函數 (Penalty function) 18
5. 演算法流程 20
肆、 數值測試 23
1. 醬油初期發酵條件最佳化以提升產量 23
2. 單螺桿擠出加工水產飼料流速最大化 34
3. 最佳化食品及生物工程之製程 38
4. 以粒徑大小比較杏仁膠及阿拉伯膠之乳化能力 41
伍、 結論與未來工作 44
參考文獻 47
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