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研究生(外文):Wei-Ting Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Fertilizer Source, Concentration and Day/Night Temperature on Pot Flower Production and Flower Color with Two-Step Cultivation System on Oncidium Orchids
指導教授(外文):Kuang- Liang Huang
外文關鍵詞:sympodial orchidfertilizer managementelectrical conductivitytemperature controlR.H.S colour chart
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本研究旨在探討文心蘭以水苔為介質之兩階段栽培、肥料種類與濃度以及日/夜溫對其生長與開花之影響。文心蘭蜜糖Oncidesa Sweet Sugar 瓶苗出瓶後,以水苔為介質種植至5.1 cm盆徑作為第一階段栽培材料,以Peters 20N-20P2O5-20K2O肥料0.25,0.5及1g・L-1三種濃度澆灌處理,結果以氮含量為100 mg・L-1、磷含量為43 mg・L-1及鉀含量為83 mg・L-1之0.5 g・L-1 Peters 20N-20P2O5-20K2O假球莖生長表現較佳,且可提早15天達到帶兩個假球莖及一個營養枝梢。第二階段栽培以帶兩個假球莖及一個營養枝梢之植株為材料,移植至7.5 cm盆徑,以Peters 15N-10P2O5-30K2O與Peters 10N-30P2O5-20K2O兩種肥料及不同濃度處理,結果各肥料處理間植株生長並未有明顯差異,但兩種肥料以1 g・L-1處理,植株疑似有鹽害現象,以0.25 g・L -1 處理皆有較佳之花序軸長度、分叉數、花朵數及花朵橫徑,其中以 Peters 10N-30P2O5-20K2O處理可早開花,而以0.5及1 g・L-1 處理花朵數與花朵橫徑則明顯減少,部分花朵亦有畸形及落蕾現象,開花品質降低。綜合上述文心蘭以水苔為介質栽培,如以Peters 15N-10P2O5-30K2O與Peters 10N-30P2O5 -20K2O為肥料,如欲獲得較佳之開花品質,建議濃度應為 0.25 g・L -1,也就是氮含量介於25-37.5 mg・L -1、磷含量介於11-33 mg・L -1及鉀含量介於42-66 mg・L -1之間。文心蘭白雪Oncidesa Tariflor Snow White ‘Tainung No. 4-Snow White’以帶10 cm花莖及帶營養枝梢(S1)兩種不同生育階段為材料,以日/夜溫33/28、28/23和23/18℃三種溫度,搭配Peters 20N-20P2O5-20K2O與Peters 10N-30P2O5-20K2O兩種肥料,濃度分別皆為0.5 g・L-1澆灌處理,調查假球莖之生育狀況與花瓣呈色,結果帶10 cm花莖,開花表現各處理組間皆未有明顯差異;帶營養枝梢(S1),以28/23與23/18℃處理假球莖生長較佳,但23/18℃處理卻不利於抽梗,於28/23℃中兩種肥料處理,花序軸長度、分叉數及花朵數皆較佳,而33/28℃中兩種肥料處理,花朵有畸形現象。花瓣內主要色素種類為黃酮醇,唇瓣b*值於開放後第5天以28/23℃較低,花朵呈色較白,另外肥料施用種類各處理間差異不明顯。
This study aimed to explore the effects of two-step cultiviation, fertilizer source and concentration, day/night temperatures on the growth and flowering of Oncidium culture in sphagnum. The plantlet of Oncidesa Sweet Sugar was planted in 5.1 cm pot with sphagnum as the first stage of cultivation. Then, it was tested by Peters 20N-20P2O5-20K2O under 0.25, 0.5 and 1 g・L-1 treatments respectively. The results showed its pseudobulb grew better. Besides, it reached two pseudobulbs and one new vegetative shoot earlier under the treatment of 0.5 g・L-1 Peters 20N-20P2O5-20K2O which included 100 mg・L-1 nitrogen, 43 mg・L-1 phosphorus, and 83 mg・L-1 potassium. It then was transplanted to 7.5 cm pot with sphagnum for two pseudobulbs and one new vegetative shoot as the second stage of cultivation and was tested by Peters 15N-10P2O5-30K2O and Peters 10N-30P2O5-20K2O respectively under six different concentrations. The results showed that growth status did not change much, but slat injury longevity might be caused under 1 g・L-1 of Peters 15N-10P2O5-30K2O and Peters 10N-30P2O5-20K2O treatments. In fertilizer source with different concentration experiment, using 0.25 g・L-1 Peters 15N-10P2O5-30K2O and Peters 10N-30P2O5-20K2O, the Oncidesa Sweet Sugar would enhance flower qualities but it would flower earlier, using Peters 10N-30P2O5-20K2O. It had less flower buds, smaller florets diameter and would be slightly deformed using 0.5 and 1 g・L-1. Accordingly, to get the better flower qualities, using 0.25 g・L-1 Peters 15N-10P2O5-30K2O and Peters 10N-30P2O5-20K2O as fertilizers which included 25-37.5 mg・L-1 nitrogen, 11-33 mg・L-1 phosphorus, and 42-66 mg・L-1 potassium were a preferred fertilizer source and concentration. Moreover, day/night temperature combined different fertilizer sources did not have much effect on the Oncidesa Tariflor Snow White ‘Tainung No. 4-Snow White’ with flower stalk;The pseudobulb of Oncidesa Tariflor Snow White ‘Tainung No. 4-Snow White’ with vegetative shoot(S1) grew better at 28℃day/23℃night and 23℃day/18℃night, but it had less flower stalk at 23℃day/18℃night. Its flower qualities were better at 28℃day/23℃night and it had shorter flower stalks, less branches and its flower buds would be slightly deformed at 33℃day/28℃night. In day/night temperature experiment, both Oncidesa Tariflor Snow White ‘Tainung No. 4-Snow White’ with flower stalk and with vegetative shoot(S1) had much lower the b* value when the lips opened after five days at 28℃day/23℃night. However, different sources had no significant effects on the growth and flowering under the moderate day/night temperature.
第一章 前言 1
第二章 前人研究 3
一、文心蘭原產地與分類 3
二、文心蘭之生育習性 3
三、肥培管理對文心蘭生育之影響 6
四、環境因子對文心蘭生育之影響 8
五、花青素生成途徑與花色表現 9
六、花青素生成之影響因子 11
七、常應用之顏色測量方法 13
第三章 肥料種類與濃度對帶水苔介質文心蘭蜜糖兩階段栽培生長與開花之影響 14
Chapter 3. Effects of Fertilizer Source and Concentration on Growth and Flowering of Two-Step Cultivation in Oncidesa Sweet Sugar 14
摘要(Abstract) 14
一、前言(Introduction) 14
二、材料與方法(Materials and Methods) 15
試驗一、肥料濃度對帶水苔介質文心蘭蜜糖5.1 cm盆徑盆花生長之影響 15
試驗二、肥料種類及濃度對帶水苔介質文心蘭蜜糖7.5 cm盆徑盆花生育之影響 17
三、試驗場所環境控制(Environmental Control) 18
四、統計分析(Statistical Anyalysis) 19
五、結果(Results) 19
試驗一、肥料濃度對帶水苔介質文心蘭蜜糖5.1 cm盆徑生長之影響 19
試驗二、肥料種類及濃度對帶水苔介質文心蘭蜜糖7.5 cm盆徑盆花生育之影響20
六、討論(Discussion) 22
(一)換盆前後改變肥料種類與濃度對帶水苔介質文心蘭蜜糖Oncidesa Sweet Sugar盆花生育之影響 22
(二)換盆前後改變肥料種類與濃度對帶水苔介質文心蘭蜜糖Oncidesa Sweet Sugar盆花開花品質之影響 24
第四章 日/夜溫與肥料種類對文心蘭白雪生長、開花與花色之影響 58
Chapter 4. Effects of Day/Night Temperature and Fertilizer on Growth, Flowering and Flower Color of Oncidesa Tariflor Snow White ‘Tainung No. 4-Snow White’ 58
摘要(Abstract) 58
一、前言(Introduction) 58
二、材料與方法(Materials and Methods) 59
試驗一、日/夜溫與肥料種類對帶花莖文心蘭白雪開花品質、花瓣呈色與色素之影響 59
試驗二、日/夜溫與肥料種類對帶營養枝梢文心蘭白雪生育、花瓣呈色與色素之影響 61
三、統計分析(Statistical Anyalysis) 62
四、結果(Results) 63
試驗一、日/夜溫與肥料種類對帶花莖文心蘭白雪開花品質、花瓣呈色與色素之影響 63
試驗二、日/夜溫與肥料種類對帶營養枝梢文心蘭白雪生育、花瓣呈色與色素組成之影響 64
五、討論(Discussion) 66
(一)日/夜溫與肥料種類對文心蘭白雪Oncidesa Tariflor Snow White ‘Tainung No. 4-Snow White’生長與發育之影響 66
(二)日/夜溫與肥料種類對文心蘭白雪Oncidesa Tariflor Snow White ‘Tainung No. 4-Snow White’花辦呈色與色素之影響 67
第五章 結論 91
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