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研究生(外文):Chia Hung Hsu
論文名稱(外文):An Object Contour Extraction Using Local Structure Information Captured by the Self-Adaptive High Beam and Low Beam Spotlight Filter
指導教授(外文):Roy-Chaoming Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Image SegmentationContour ExtractionLocal Structure informationContour CaptureSpotlight filter
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Contour extraction is a method in exactly obtaining an object’s contour from images. It is considered as one of the most important pre-processing for image processing applications. In this study, an object contour extraction using local structure information captured by self-adaptive high beam and low beam spotlight filters is proposed. The proposed method is inspired from the users’ experiences (UE) in car driving, where when the road is very straight and clear, a low beam light is applied, while a high beam light will be utilized when the road is winding and/or the environment is dark. Utilizing the self-adaptive high beam and low beam spotlight filter, the local structural information between two pre-selected initial contour points are obtained and the candidate contour points are then determined using statistics based technique. The spotlight filter continues for all pairs of initial points of an object such that a broadband of the object’s contour is constructed. A thinning process is then applied to obtain the final one-pixel-wide exact object contour. Experimental results using artificial and real medical images showed that the proposed method can obtain better contour extraction performance than other existed methods.
第1章 緒論..........................................1
1.1 研究背景........................................1
1.2 問題描述........................................2
1.3 研究貢獻........................................3
1.4 章節架構........................................4
第2章 相關研究......................................5
2.1 邊緣偵測........................................5
2.1.1 Leclerc和Zucker方法[9]........................6
2.1.2 Higgins和Hsu的方法[11]........................9
2.2 輪廓擷取.......................................15
2.2.1 主動式輪廓模型[16]............................15
2.2.2 Somkantha 方法[12]...........................17
2.2.3 探照燈濾波器[21][22][23]......................19
2.3 其他既有方法....................................23
2.3.1 反曲特性之輪廓點偵測[13].......................23
第3章 研究架構......................................29
3.1 遠光/近光探照燈之定義............................32
第4章 實驗結果......................................43
4.1 人造影像........................................47
4.1.1 三圓人造圖實驗................................48
4.1.2 人造不規則星形................................64
4.2 真實影像實驗....................................79
第5章 結論與未來工作.................................89
5.1 結論...........................................89
5.2 未來工作........................................90
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