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論文名稱(外文):Travelling wave solutions of the Benney-Luke equation by using the (G’/G, 1/G)-expansion method
中文關鍵詞:(G’/G1/G)-展開法齊次平衡法行波解the Benney-Luke 方程
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在本篇論文中,我們利用程式MAPLE幫助我們使用(G’/G, 1/G)-展開法求 Benney-Luke方程其他不一樣的精確行波解以及跟其它篇論文所得出的解做比較。我們還發現到齊次平衡法跟(G’/G, 1/G)-展開法有一定的關聯性。
In this thesis, the (G’/G, 1/G)-expansion method with the aid of Maple is used to find (some different) the exact travelling wave solutions of the Benney-Luke equation and we compare our solutions with the solutions appearing in the other papers. We notice that there is a connection between the homogeneous balance method and the (G’/G, 1/G)-expansion method.

Abstract 1
誌謝辭 2
Contents 3
1 Introduction 4
2 Methods 6
2.1 The homogeneous balance method 6
2.2 The (G’/G, 1/G)-expansion method 9
2.3 Connections 16
3 Application 18
4 Conclusion 32
5 Bibliography 33
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