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研究生(外文):Deng-Hwuei You
論文名稱(外文):Investigating the Feasibility of Transplanting Adipose-Derived Stem Cells to Treat Multiple System Atrophy Using a Double Toxin-Induced Rat Model
指導教授(外文):Tzyy-Wen Chiou
外文關鍵詞:Adipose-derived stem cellsMultiple system atrophyCell therapy
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  多發性系統退化症為一種神經退化性疾病,因症狀主要呈現兩種以上的中樞神經系統退化而得名。多發性系統退化症疾病進程快速且致死率高,目前臨床上尚無有效治療之手段,因此研究新的治療方式是一項刻不容緩的主題。脂肪幹細胞為一種間質幹細胞,因其取得容易,且具有分化以及分泌神經營養因子的功能,可幫助神經元生長與再生,於神經退化性疾病之治療潛力備受矚目。本實驗以大鼠單側腦雙毒素雙病變的誘導方式,以六-羥基多巴胺破壞黑質體神經元,再以喹啉酸破壞紋狀體神經元,誘導紋狀體與黑質體退化,使多巴胺神經徑路產生障礙,藉以模擬P型多發性系統退化症之病徵 (包含類帕金森症狀以及L-Dopa不敏感之症狀)。完成誘導後,將多發性系統退化症大鼠模型隨機分為三組,並依據組別於患側紋狀體移植細胞,動物分組如下:劑量一組:移植3.4x106之人類脂肪幹細胞;劑量二組:移植3.4x105之人類脂肪幹細胞;Vehicle組:施打磷酸鹽緩衝生理鹽水。試驗結果顯示,經細胞移植後較低劑量組於第14天可觀察到前肢踏步能力與轉棒平衡能力顯著改善;紋狀體之中型多棘神經元明顯再生;然而,高劑量組動物行為之恢復與紋狀體神經元再生效力不如低劑量組。另外,利用專一性抗體人類粒線體特異蛋白進行移植細胞之追蹤,發現移植之人類脂肪幹細胞可於大腦紋狀體存活至少28天。同時,本研究亦發現細胞移植組別在大腦紋狀體處具有較高之神經營養因子 GDNF (Glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor)表現,因此幫助紋狀體重建。此一現象並未於黑質體區域發現,可能與試驗中觀察到細胞移植後多巴胺神經元修復較少之現象有相關性。總之,本研究成功建立了雙毒素誘導之多發性系統退化症動物,並以此模型驗證了人類脂肪幹細胞移植做為多發性系統退化症治療手段之可行性。人類脂肪幹細胞移植幫助了移植部位之神經營養因子分泌,進一步修復紋狀體多巴胺受體神經元,達到改善多發性系統退化症病徵之效用,說明人類脂肪幹細胞治療多發性系統退化症具有相當的潛力。

  Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rare neurodegenerative disorder caused by progressive degeneration of neurons in two or more parts of the brain, including substantia nigra, striatum, cerebellum, and so on. Up to now, there is no effective therapeutic strategy for MSA in clinical practice. The patients with MSA have a rapid progress and high mortality after the onset of symptoms. Therefore, the need for a new therapeutic strategy for MSA is urgent. Due to their availability, differentiation potential and the neurotrophic factor secretion ability, adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) raised much attention on the treatment for neurodegenerative disease. In this study, we established a unilateral partial double toxin- and double lesion-induced rat model, which can mimic features of the Parkinsonism and L-dopa insensitive symptoms in the brains of Parkinsonism-MSA. Using the toxins, the functions of the dopaminergic pathway in striatum and substantia nigra were injured. Therefore, we used 6-hydroxydopamine to damage the nigral neurons, and then used quinolinic acid to damage the striatal neurons. After the toxin induction, we transplanted human ADSCs to the ipsilateral striatum of Parkinsonism-MSA rats to assess the therapeutic effect of human ADSCs therapy. Three groups, including ADSCs with different cell doses (3.4x105 or 3.4x106) and vehicle (PBS) were examined. It was found that the lower dose ADSCs therapy led to improvement behavior performance in stepping test, rotarod test and regeneration of medium spiny neurons in the striatum in Parkinsonism-MSA rats. The higher dose group did not result in better result. Accordingly, in vivo tracing result revealed that ADSCs could survive for more than 28 days in the ipsilateral striatum. Moreover, ADSCs could produce and secret glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), which could assist the neuron reconstruction in striatum. However, it was found that ADSCs therapy have limited effect on the substantia nigra. In conclusion, the transplantation of human ADSCs could restore the striatal dopamine receptor neurons and improve animal behavior. Thus, ADSCs have considerable potential for MSA treatment.

Key words:adipose-derived stem cells;multiple system atrophy;cell therapy
一、研究背景及目的 1
二、文獻回顧 3
2.1 多發性系統退化症 3
2.2 α-突觸核蛋白 5
2.3 多巴胺神經徑路 8
2.4 多巴胺受體 9
2.5 紋狀體與黑質體退化 11
2.6 老鼠動物模型 13
2.7 多發性系統退化症治療策略 16
2.8 間質幹細胞移植治療神經退化性疾病 18
2.9 脂肪幹細胞 19
三、研究方法 21
3.1 實驗設計原理 21
3.1.1 雙毒素雙病變大鼠模型 21
3.1.2 動物行為測試 23
3.1.3 免疫組織化學染色 25
3.2 實驗方法 27
3.2.1 脂肪幹細胞培養 28
3.2.2 實驗動物飼養 29
3.2.3 大鼠腦立體定位微注射手術 29
3.2.4 動物行為測試 31 阿普嗎啡誘導旋轉測試 31 前肢踏步能力測試 32 轉棒平衡能力測試 32
3.2.5 組織學 33 組織取樣 33 組織封埋 33 組織切片 34 免疫組織化學染色 34
四、實驗結果 37
4.1 大鼠紋狀體與黑質體退化之多發性系統退化症模型篩選 37
4.1.1 六-羥基多巴胺與喹啉酸誘導後阿普嗎啡誘導旋轉測試之比較 37
4.1.2 前肢踏步能力測試與L-Dopa給藥反應 37
4.2 脂肪幹細胞移植後之評估 42
4.2.1 前肢踏步能力測試 42
4.2.2 轉棒平衡能力測試 44
4.2.3 組織學染色 46 酪氨酸羥化酶免疫組織化學染色 46 DARPP-32免疫組織化學染色 50 人類粒線體特異蛋白免疫組織化學染色 53 GDNF免疫組織化學染色 56
五、討論 59
六、結論 63
七、參考文獻 65
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