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研究生(外文):Shuan-Ju Jiang
論文名稱(外文):The influences of Internet Crowdfunding Teams' CSR Appeal on Support Intention and Crowdfunding Performance
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Hua Hsiung
外文關鍵詞:CrowdfundingCSRSponsoring IntentionValue
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本論文採用兩種方式進行研究以探討企業社會責任之訊息是否正向影響募資績效(包括客觀的募資績效與主觀的贊助意願),研究一以內容分析方法探討真實募資文案中,其社會責任訴求的內容與文句數量,對於實際贊助績效的影響效果。此項研究以募資平台Flying V之在地類與公共類募資案進行抽樣,以系統抽樣抽出150個樣本進行衡量(66個在地類樣本與84個公共類樣本)衡量社會責任程度對募資績效之影響:研究二採取實驗設計方法,編寫出三種文案,包括馬老師(代表企業社會責任中之社群服務與參與)、健康米(代表企業社會責任中之環境保護)與背包(代表一般日常用品之商業廣告),檢測募資文案的企業社會責任訴求是否會影響一般民眾的贊助意願。此項研究採用組間設計,透過網路進行便利抽樣,每種文案分別抽樣90人,一共270人,研究參與者於閱讀文案後填寫個人的價值觀與贊助意願。
由問卷分析後得到下列結論:(1) 募資文案中的企業社會責任訴求,對於募資績效金額與贊助人數皆有正向影響。(2) 募資文案能透過增加企業社會責任訴求程度進而提高贊助意願。 (3)募資文案中,受試者價值觀並未能對企業社會責任訴求文案與贊助意願的關係產生調節作用。
This study aimed at examining the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and crowdfunding performance. Many researchers have pointed out that CSR has positive effects on companies’ performance and sponsors’ support intention. Furthermore, some studies have shown that personal values are the factors influencing sponsors’ support intention. Therefore, this study investigated whether CSR could affect sponsors’ support intention and examined the moderating role of personal values in the crowdfunding process.
This thesis used two methods to investigate whether CSR messages could result in positive crowdfunding performance (including objective crowdfunding performance and subjective sponsoring intention). Study One adopted the method of content analysis. This study calculated the phrase number mentioned CSR in the crowdfunding advertisement and examined the effect of CSR phrase number on real funding performance. In this study, a total of 150 crowdfunding projects (including 66 projects in the local category and 84 projects in the public category) were systematically selected from a famous crowdfunding platform--Flying V. Study Two conducted the experimental method to examine the effect of CSR message in crowdfunding advertisement on people’s sponsoring intention. This study adopted the between-group design and created three different pseudo crowdfunding advertisements, including horse teacher (delivering the CSR message of community service and involvement), healthy rice (delivering the CSR message of eco environmental protection), and backpack (only delivering the commercial message of a daily commodity). This study used convenient sampling method to distribute questionnaires and collect data from the internet. Each pseudo advertisement was read by 90 research participants. In total, 270 participants read the advertisements and filled out the following internet survey.
After data analysis, these two studies had several findings. First, CSR messages in the crowdfunding advertisement had positive effects on crowdfunding performance (including financial performance and the final sponsor number). Second, CSR messages in the crowdfunding advertisement increased people’s perception of CSR appeal of the crowdfunding project, and then increased their sponsoring intention. Third, personal values did not moderate the relationship between CSR messages and sponsoring intention.
致謝 i
中文摘要 iii
Abstract v
目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 募資方法 4
第二節 企業社會責任 11
第三節 研究架構與假設 16
第三章 研究方法 21
第一節 研究一之研究方法 21
第二節 研究二之研究方法 27
第四章 研究結果分析 32
第一節 研究一之研究結果分析 32
第二節 研究二之研究結果分析 39
第五章 研究結論與建議 51
第一節 研究結論與假設 51
第二節 研究貢獻與管理意涵 54
參考文獻 58
附錄 65
附錄一 文案編碼與範例 65
附錄二 研究二之文案 67
一、馬老師文案 67
二、健康米文案 72
三、背包文案 76
附錄三 問卷設計 81
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