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研究生(外文):Yu-Sheng LU
論文名稱(外文):Physical properties of La0.80Ca0.20-xBaxMnO3 (0.0≤X≤0.2) manganite
指導教授(外文):Yung-Kang Kuo
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本實驗針對鈣鈦礦La0.8Ca0.2-xBaxMnO3 (x = 0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20)系列樣品,於10至300 K的溫度區間進行磁化率(χ)、電阻率(ρ)、熱電勢(S)、熱導率(κ)以及比熱(CP)等物理性質量測,探討鋇摻雜後對上述物理性質的影響。磁性量測結果顯示樣品在低溫區呈現磁有序的鐵磁性,而在高溫區則轉變為順磁性,且樣品隨著鋇的摻雜量增加而鐵磁-順磁相變溫度(居禮溫度,TC)逐漸上升。此外,於電阻率與比熱峰值亦可觀察到金屬轉絕緣相變溫度有相同趨勢。摻雜後整體電阻率降低,其原因為鋇離子(1.61 Å)比鈣離子(1.34 Å)半徑大,摻雜較大的離子半徑時,使MnO6八面體的扭曲減少,結構從Rhombohedral轉變為對稱性高的Cubic結構,並增加Mn+3-O-Mn+4的鍵角,進而增強雙交換機制,導致電阻率下降,且相變溫度往高溫移動。從比熱的量測結果顯示,鋇的摻雜量增加使熵值的變化量變大,說明鋇的摻雜會增強樣品的鐵磁性行為,此與磁化率量測結果相符合。熱導率部分,隨著鋇的摻雜量增加,室溫熱傳導率有降低的趨勢,且電子熱傳導率幾乎不做貢獻。於高溫順磁區段,熱傳導率隨溫度增加而上升,此行為符合小極化子模型,即極化子亦參與了熱傳導。分析熱電勢測量結果,其數值均為正值,顯示此系列樣品主要傳導載子為電洞,並隨著鋇的摻雜量增加,熱電勢值也逐漸減小。推測是由於鋇的摻雜量增加,使得載子濃度增加,此與高溫區電阻率下降的結果相符合,另外,熱電勢高溫區段亦符合小極化子模型,與熱導率及電阻率結果分析一致。
In this thesis, we report the investigation of the temperature-dependent magnetization (χ), electrical resistivity (ρ), Seebeck coefficient, thermal conductivity (κ), and specific heat (CP) on the Ba-doped manganite compounds La0.8Ca0.2-xBaxMnO3 (0 ≦ x ≦ 0.2) in the temperature range of 10 K to 300 K. It was observed from electrical and magnetization measurements that with increasing barium content both the metal-insulator transition temperature and the ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition temperature shift towards higher temperatures. The value of electrical resistivity is reduced with increasing the barium content. This is attributed to the fact that the substitution of smaller calcium ions (1.34 Å) by larger barium ions (1.61 Å) increases the A-site radius and in turn decreases the distortion of MnO6 octahedron. As a consequence, a structural transformation from rhombohedral to cubic structure occurs that leads to an enhancement of double exchange interaction. From specific heat measurements, the entropy change increases slightly with increasing barium content, indicating that strength of magnetic ordering increases with barium substitution which is consistent with the magnetization measurements. It is revealed that the electron-electron scattering dominates the electrical transport in the metallic region below the temperature 100 K, while the ρ(T) data is well-described by the small polaron hopping (SPH) model in the insulating region. Analyses of Seebeck coefficient and thermal conductivity data confirm that the SPH model is operative in the insulating regime.
致謝 I
摘要 III
Abstract V
圖目錄 XI
表目錄 XV
第一章 前言 1
1-1簡介 1
1-2實驗動機及目的 3
第二章 材料特性研究 5
2-1 磁性理論 5
2-2 磁性種類 6
2-2-1 順磁性(Paramagnetism) 7
2-2-2 逆磁性(Diamagnetism) 8
2-2-3 鐵磁性(Ferromagnetism) 9
2-2-4 反鐵磁性(Antiferromagnetism) 11
2-2-5 亞鐵磁性(Ferrimagnetism) 12
2-3 磁阻現象(Magnetoresistance) 13
2-4 磁卡效應 -MagnetoCaloric Effect (MCE) 16
2-5 鈣鈦礦(Perovskite) 18
2-6雙交換模型(Double exchange model) 21
2-7 Jahn-Teller distortion 24
2-8極化子 26
2-8-1小極化子跳躍模型(Small polaron hopping model) 27
第三章 實驗原理 29
3-1 電阻率 29
3-2熱傳導率 32
3-2-1 聲子對熱傳導的影響 33
3-2-2 電子對熱傳導的影響 37
3-3 比熱 38
3-3-1 電子比熱 38
3-3-2 聲子比熱 39
3-3-3 磁性比熱 40
第四章 實驗方法 43
4-1 量測系統與方法 43
4-1-1 低溫冷卻系統 43
4-1-2 電阻率量測方法 45
4-1-3 熱傳導率的量測 46
4-1-4 Seebeck 係數量測 48
4-2 實驗控制程式 49
4-3比熱量測方法 56
4-3-1 運作頻率之選擇方法 61
第五章 實驗結果與分析 63
5-1 電阻率對溫度的量測分析 63
5-2 磁化率對溫度的量測分析 71
5-3 比熱對溫度的量測分析 73
5-4 熱導率對溫度的量測分析 77
5-5 熱電係數對溫度的量測分析 79
第六章 結論 83
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