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研究生(外文):Zong-Ying Li
論文名稱:應用抗凍輔助劑促進珊瑚卵母細胞低溫 保存能力之研究
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of cryoprotective supplements on low temperature-preserved coral oocytes
指導教授(外文):Chia-Hsin Lin
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全球珊瑚礁遭受嚴重威脅,過去30 年,世界各地珊瑚礁對於溫暖的熱擾動已
部結構。本次實驗利用低溫儀進行(5°C 和-5°C)低溫實驗探討低溫下,不同濃度的
抗凍劑對於石珊瑚小芽棘孔珊瑚(Echinopora gemmacea)與柳珊瑚紅鞭珊瑚
(Junceella juncea)卵母細胞在低溫存下和暴露時間的不同所造成的影響。利用穿透
式電子顯微鏡探討多孔表孔珊瑚(Montipora millepora)、青灰表孔珊瑚(Montipora
總體而言,添加了抗凍劑(葡萄醣,蔗醣和海藻醣)在5°C 低溫實驗中,能提高珊瑚
劑。而J. juncea 相較於E. gemmacea 對於低溫更具有耐受性。多孔表孔珊瑚、青
In the past 30 years, global warming caused serious damage towards the coral
species which affected the mutualism relationship between algae and coral and caused
algae to leave its coral host and consequently, coral bleaching. cryopreservation is a
technique that use low temperature to stop the metabolic activity of cell, tissues and
embryos in order to preserve the genetic material effectively. The used of transmission
electron microscopy (TEM) technique help to analyze and study internal ultrastructure
of the cell more accurately. In this experiment, the effect of low temperature cooling and
the exposure time toward Echinopora gemmacea and Junceella juncea oocytes with a
variety of cryoprotectant were studied by using dry bath (5°C and -5°C). The effect of
different concentration of cryoprotectants towards Montipora millepora and Montipora
grisea oocytes structure were studied by using TEM. Based on the research, the used of
cryprotectants (glucose, sucrose and trehalose) improved the survival rate of the coral
oocytes under 5°C cooling, whereas combination of sucrose with methanol proved to be
the most efficient cryoprotectant. Besides, J. juncea showed better cold tolerance
compare to both E. gemmacea. Based on the TEM observation of the coral internal
ultrastructure, it showed that micovilli provided protection towards coral oocytes and
improve the attachment of sperms towards oocytes while yolk body and lipid granules
acted as source of energy for coral oocytes. Meanwhile, algae not only provided energy
to the coral, it can also change the structure of lipid granules. This research can be
conducted on different species of coral oocytes to improve and develop future
cryopreservation method.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
第一章 前言 1
1.1 冷凍保存技術 2
1.2 影響冷凍保存之因子 3
1.2.1 冷凍條件之影響 3
1.2.2 細胞滲透壓 3
1.2.3 冰晶的形成 4
1.3 冷凍保護劑 4
1.3.1 穿透性抗凍劑( Permeating cryoprotectant) 5
1.3.2 非穿透性抗凍劑(Non-permeating cryoprotectant) 5
1.4 醣類 7
1.4.1 醣類功能 7
1.5 低溫傷害 10
1.6 低溫冷凍保存之應用 10
1.6.1 低溫生物學之應用 10
1.6.2 微生物與生物工程 10
1.6.3 農牧和水產養殖 11
1.7 超微結構分析 11
1.8 低溫冷凍保存之超微結構分析應用 12
1.8.1 魚類配子低溫冷凍保存之超微結構之分析 13 精子 13 胚胎 13 卵母細胞 15
1.8.2 無脊椎動物低溫冷凍保存之超微結構之分析 15
1.8.3 珊瑚低溫冷凍保存超微結構之分析 17
第二章 材料與方法 19
2.1 採集地點 19
2.2 低溫下抗凍劑對於卵母細胞之影響 20
2.2.1 ATP測定 20
2.2.2 統計分析 20
2.3 穿透式電子顯微鏡Transmission ElectronMicroscopy:TEM 21
第三章 珊瑚卵母細胞低溫保存之比較 23
3.1 前言 23
3.2 結果 24
3.3 討論 29
3.4 結論 31
第四章 珊瑚卵母細胞之超微結構 33
4.1 前言 33
4.2 結果 34
4.2.1 M. grisea卵母細胞超微結構 35
4.2.2 M. millepora卵母細胞超微結構 36
4.3 卵母細胞之胞器統計結果 53
4.4 討論 54
4.5 結論 57
參考文獻 59
附錄一 71
附錄二 73
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